| Feng-Shui’s “Hidden Arrow”: A Straight Dry Wash can Trigger a Debris/Mudflow Disaster Ping Xu |

| Mathematical Coefficients for the Control of the Sports Performance of the Baseball Players During the Games Islay Pérez Martínez and Ariadna Quintana Díaz |

| Warm Mix Asphalt Technologies and Applications Sevil Köfteci and Havva Serpil Ay |

| A Comparative Analysis of Steganography Methodologies used in Social Media Nehzat Razavi and Aydin Cetin |

| Monthly Variations of Zooplankton in a Freshwater Body (Maryap Pond, Turkey) Hilal Bulut and Serap Saler |

| New Hadamard-Type Inequalities for M-Convex Functions M. Emin Özdemir, Ahmet Ocak Akdemir and Merve Avci-Ardiç |

| Fuzzy Logic Control of Ship’s Electric Power Supply Set Bogdan Zak and Stanislaw Hozyn |

| Effects of Sexual Reproduction on the Proliferation of Eichhornia Crassipes in Lake Geriyo Adamawa Nigeria Hauwa’u Isa and Nafisatu A. Tukur |

| Seasonal, Equinox and Solstice Variations of the Ionosphere Over Turkey Secil Karatay, Ali Cinar, Feza Arikan and Tamara Gulyaeva |

| Potential Concentrations of Select Trace Metals from Road Salt Corrosion Peter R. Pascucci |

| Speciation Studies of Binary Complexes of PB(II), CD(II) and HG(II) with L-Proline in 1, 2- Propanediol-Water Mixtures Peketi Bhushanavathi and Pucha Sarada |

| Study of Mosquito Detection and Position Tracking Algorithm Jahangir Alam SM, Hu Guoqing, Md. Mojahidul Islam, M. Rabiul Alam and Md. Arif Rahman |

| Fixed Point Theorems of Contractive Mappings for Cdistance in Cone Metric Spaces K. Sujatha |

| Targeting Alzheimer’s Disease Through Molecular Docking Approach Awanish Kumar and Dharm Pal |

| Generalized Shear Strength Criteria for Soft and Weathered Coal Mine Oerburden Dump Materials P.K. Dewangan, M. Pradhan and G.D. Ramtekkar |

| Fashion and the Environment Ashish Hooda |

| An Investigations of Variations of Sinkhole Depth with Respect to the Height of Extraction in Some of the Underground Coal Mines at SECL, India P. Sahu and R. D. Lokhande |

| Kinetic Studies on Recovery of Acrylic Acid From Dilute Solutions Akanksha Swarnkar, Anupam Bala Soni and Amit Keshav |

| Dicentric Chromatid Bridges and Pollen Sterility in Cleome Gynandra H. Isa and J.C. Onovo and K.C. Egbucha |

| Assessment of the use of Radio for Disseminating Agricultural Information Among Farmers in OFU Local Government Area of Kogi State Jiriko Ruth, Demenongu Torjape and Oguche Paul |

| Use of Six Sigma Method as a Process Improvement Technique: A Case Study in Aerospace Industry Atakan Gerger and Ali Rıza Firuzan |

| Split-Brain Surgery and the Complementarity of the Two Hemispheres Anas H. Filimban |

| Comparative Study of “OKOHO” Cissus Populnea Gum Extracted in Hot Water and Cold Water for Soup Condiment C.C. Okafor and I. M. Eze |

| Model of Environmental Health and Environmental Education Nongnapas Thiengkamol |

| Identification of High School Students’ Misunderstandings of Rectilinear Motion Revealed by Their Choice of Answers to a Test of Understanding Louis Trudel and Abdeljalil Métioui |

| Main Aspects of Complexometric Method in Chemical Analysis Used in Higher Educational System of Georgia Mineda Chanturia |

| Performance of Unreinforced Concrete Bored Piles Under Different Loading Conditions M. J. Al-Mosawe and A. A. Al-Obaidi |

| Nectar Larceny: Looking Beyond Crime and Nourishment Inderdeep Kaur |

| Conflict Resolution in the Euphrates River Dispute Using the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution Mariwan R. Faris, Kamel A. Al-Mohseen and Keith W. Hipel |

| Nossa Ufrpe: A Prototype of Collaborative Platform Marcelo Mendonça Teixeira, Joel Alves de Lima Júnior, Cristiane Domingos de Aquino, Alana Costa Lima, Felipe Alves Lopes da Silva, Wyldgard Helles Cruz, Marcos Vínicios Alcantara, Ricardo Neves Júnior, Felipe Gonçalves and Hugo Pazzoline |

| Testing the Suitability of Mined Soils for Native Species Establishment at Navachab Gold Mine, Namibia Emilia N. Haimbili, Ndafuda Shiponeni and Peter J. Carrick |

| Incidence de la Poudre de Marbre Sur la Durabilité Des Bétons Rabah Chaïd, Hacène Mérida, Youcef Ghernouti and Damien Rangeard |

| The Application of Biofertilizer Consortium to Enhance Quality and Yield of Vegetables (Lactuca Sativa L.) Crop and to Reduce Chemical Fertilizer Usage Pujawati Suryatmana, Mieke Rochimi Setyawati, Bety Natalie Fitriatin, Diyan Herdiyantoro and Reginawanti Hindersah |

| Azolla Pinnata and Litter Plants Compost as Alternative Materials for Peat Substitute Carrier on Solid Biofertilizer Formulations Mieke Rochimi Setiawati, Pujawati Suryatmana, Diyan Herdiyantoro and Uneef Primadi |

| Analgesic Effect of the Crude Aqueous Extract of the Roots and Aerial Parts of Some Philippine Medicinal Plants: A Preliminary Study Louella F. Ona |

| Towards an Integrated e-Government System: Overview, Architecture and Application for Development Mosud Y. Olumoye and Irene Govender |

| Analysis of the Aircraft Coating Innovations, Improving Aerodynamic Parameters and Reducing Skin Friction Shehret Tilvaldyev, Giezi Xitlali Chávez Serrano, Estefanía Solís Martínez, Nahitt Padilla, Jorge Flores Garay and Cristian Javier González Herrera |

| Review and Analysis of the Applications the Graphene and Graphene Based Composite Materials in Varied Scope of Engineering and Aeronautics Shehret Tilvaldyev, Estefania Solís Martínez, Erwin Martínez, Alfredo Villanueva, Delfino Cornejo and Maxim Bakaev |

| Analyzing and Displaying of Crime Hotspots Using Fuzzy Mapping Method Ranbir Kaur and Sukhjit Singh Sehra |

| Adoption of Digital Design Software in Interior Design Education Eric Dolph |

| Reciprocity Scheme Approach to Free-Riding Evasion in Grid System Lukman Adebayo Ogundele |

| A Simulation Study of the Performance of Fisher’s Linear Discriminant Analysis with Normal and Non Normal Data Ogbonna Eric Nnamdi, Mbe Egom Nja and Onwukwe Christian |

| The Role of Pre-Storage Temperatures on White Spruce, Douglas-Fir and Western Redcedar Seedlings Viability and Growth Sharon L. Gillies |

| Hydroxyapatite Reinforced Polypropylene Bio Composites Munir Tasdemir, Ismail Hakki Kenet and Serdar Pazarlioglu |

| Development of Hybrid Courses by Applying Best Practices from the Online Environment Tom A. Eppes and Ivana Milanovic |

| A Study of the Relationship Among Safety Climate Perception, Self-Esteem, Pressure and Performance/Safety Reporting in Medical Staff Wen-Jui Feng, Li-Yu Shu, Chin-chin Liu and Li-Hui Yang |

| Effects of Apricot Kernel Flour and Fiber-Rich Apricot Powder on the Quality of Reduced-Fat Wire-Cut Cookies Özen Özboy Özbaş, İbrahim Tuğkan Şeker and İncilay Gökbulut |

| Some Preliminary Results of a Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) System Installed at Yasar University, Izmir, Turkey Arif Hepbasli, Emrah Biyik, Mustafa Araz, Mehdi Shahrestani, Runming Yao, Emmanuel Essah, Li Shao, Armando C. Oliveira, Teodosio del Caño, Elena Rico and Juan Luis Lechón |

| Different Uses of Sugar Beet Pulp Kazım Eşber Özbaş and Özen Özboy Özbaş |

| Sustainable Lighting in Educational Buildings Kasım Çelik and Rengin Ünver |

| Digital Transformation of Information Systems Master’s Curriculum Moustafa Elazhary and Frank Morelli |

| A Novel Adaptive Variable Step Size P&O MPPT Algorithm M. F. Almi, H. Belmili, M. Arrouf and B. Bendib |

| Biochemical Changes on Muscle tissue Of Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio, Linnaeus 1758) in the Natural Condition of Sapanca Lake, Turkey Güllü Kaymak, Nazan Deniz Yön Ertuğ and Figen Esin Kayhan |

| PD Control of Underwater Robotic Vehicle in Vertical Plane Jerzy Garus |

| Segmentation Algorithm for Thermal Images of Faces Bogdan Żak |

| Temperature Effect on the Shielding Performance of the Ceramic Material Produced with Natural Zeolite Baha Kanberoğlu and A. Şükran Demirkıran |