| Nuclear Power Plant Cooling System Luqman Jeffry |

| Inequalities in Child Survival in Nigeria: A Multilevel Modelling Approach Simeon Olawuwo, Ntonghanwah Forcheh and Keamogetse Setlhare |

| Ski Slope Security ‐ A New Method to Help Defining the Level of Difficulty Raul Eduardo Bobone Ressano Garcia |

| Design of a Small‐Sat Liquid Gas Propulsion System M. Ortega Varela de Seijas, C. Avsar, S. Gore, R. Jaiswal, M. Motazedi, C. Posada, R. Reddy, E. Samson, D. Sullivan, G. Sundaramoorthy, M.S. Vrushabh and N. Pilz |

| Service Oriented Architecture Systems for High Increasing Availability of Service Amer Tahseen Salameh Abu‐Jassar |

| Sustainable Site Planning and the Architects' Role Dorcas A. Ayeni, Charles A. Olalusi and Rukayyatu B. Tukur |

| A Method of Determination of Radio Communication Channel Response Jerzy Garus and Ryszard Studanski |

| Investigation of Heavy Metal (CD, CU, NI AND ZN) Accumulation Capacities in Some Aquatic Plants Such as Cabomba Caroliniana, Egeria Densa, Tonina Belem and Hygrophila Polysperma, and Determination of Heavy Metal Effects on Plant Photosynthetic Pigments Gerez Gamze Cemal and Mustafa Berk Ünal |

| Emotional Intelligence: A Promoter of Satisfaction with Life in the Elderly Ana Isabel Andrade, Rosa Martins, Conceição Martins, Carlos Albuquerque and António Madureira |

| The Cube Root Transformation: Its Implications on the Error Component of the Multiplicative Time Series Modelling A. O. Dike, E. L. Otuonye and D. C. Chikezie |

| Nitrogen Fixing and Antifungal Bacterial Endophytes of Banana (MUSA SPP.) from Maharashtra Region, India M. S. Ambawade and G. R. Pathade |

| Bacteriocin Activity Against E. Coli Isolates from Processed Frozen Fish Samples of Ratnagiri District (Maharashtra State) , India A. G. Pathade, P. M. Bulakh and M. G. Bodhankar |

| Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Initiatives for Developing Power Distribution Management in India Murhari Kele |

| Teacher Quality and Organizational Effectiveness Oladebinu Tokunbo Olufemi, Adediran Adekunle Amos and Oladebinu Ademorin Oluwafunmilola |

| Relationship Between Academic Stress, Social Support and Stress Coping Styles Among Adolescents from Disadvantaged Sections in India Lubna J Mansuri |

| Promotion of Pharmaceutical E‐Tender in Public Hospital in Vietnam Phan Van Dinh, Nguyen Thi Le Van and Nguyen Duc Bao Long |

| Equation Chapter 1 Section 1Identification of Ambiguous Tags in Community Question Answering Sites Using Clustering Abhishek Kumar Singh, Naresh Kumar Nagwani and Sudhakar Pandey |

| Phytoextraction Potential of Amaranthus Thunbergii in Heavy Metal‐Polluted Soil Ijaola Taiwo Oluwasegun |

| Stability Analysis on Smoking Model With Saturated Incidence Rate Surapol Naowarat and Nipawadee Sreedecha |

| Optimizing the Parameters for Turning with Nano Cutting Fluids in MQL Using Taguchi Based Desirability Function Analysis Vamsi Krishna Pasam, Padmini Rapeti and Rukmini Srikant Revuru |

| Effect of Education Campaign on the Transmission Model of Conjunctivitis and its Applications Bundit Unyong |

| Contact Line Force on Sub‐Microliter Ferrofluid Droplets for Lab‐on‐Chip Applications Kang Yang, Janet Peifer and Yu Gu |

| Investigation of Airborne Heavy Metal Cadmium (CD) Effects on Photosynthetic Pigments of Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum) Plant Gerez Gamze Cemal, Gülsüm Naz Okur and Hüseyin Yılmaz |

| Gonadal and Extra-Gonadal Sperm Characteristics of Rabbit Bucks Fed With Diets Containing Raw or Fermented Cotton Seed Cake Supplemented with Ginger (Zingiber Officinale Roscoe) O. A. Amao and O. J. Akanbi |

| Cooperative Driving through Social Networks of Wise Cars Chunlei Liu, Li-Mei Chen and Jun Zhang |

| Extending an Interpreter Program Written in C++ for a Programming Language Over a Computer Network using TCP Octavian Nicolio |

| The use of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) to Study the Genetic Variation of Biosurfactant Producing Bacteria Chioma Okore, Linda Nwaehiri, Oge Mbanefo, Toochukwu Ogbulie, Ifeanyi Ogbuka, Assumpta Ugenyi, Agunna Ejele and Ikechukwu Okwujiako |

| Energy Managment of Real-Time Wireless Power Transmission Prototyping: A Microscopic to Macroscopic Approach Abdul Waseem, Salim Ur Rehman and Imtiaz Hakeem |

| Understanding the Meaning of Academic Success for Indigenous Undergraduate Nursing Students Josephine Etowa, Shannan MacDonald, Brianna Krekoski and Michèle Parent‐Bergeron |

| First and Second order Analysis of Functionally Graded Composite Material Rajesh Sharma, Balkar Singh and Vijay Kumar Jadon |

| E‐Tracking System for Publishing Company Kunyanuth Kularbphettong and Soraya Chalowattana |

| Development of Gluten‐ Free Biscuits with Riceberry Flour Supatchalee Sirichokworrakit, Siwaporn Butmee and Thanchanok Aungsirisak |

| Development and Acceptability of the Fruit Kamias (Averrhoa Bilimbi) Gloria T. Tariga |

| Magnitude of Dynamic Pressure of Subsonic Airflow Around Symmetric Objects Shehret Tilvaldyev, Vsevolod Koryanov, Erwin Martinez, Delfino Cornejo Monroy and Alfredo Villanueva Montellano |

| Using of Sugar Beet Pulp and Enzymes for Feeding Rabbits A. A. Abd El‐Ghani, A. K. Abdel‐Moty, B. E. Soliman and Aya S. A. Abd El‐Latif |

| The Motivating Factor to Reduce Chemical Fertilizer usage among Water Chestnut Growers Junphen Wannarak, Watcharee Petwong, Pimpan Ampantong, Suthatip lertviwatchaiporn and Patipol Homyamyen |

| The Effect of Turkey’s Urbanization Process on the Models of Housing Production Asiye Akgün Gütekin |

| A Design Strategy for the Socio-Cultural Public Activities on the Waterfront Focusing on the Sihwa lake District Kumjin Lee |

| Heavy Metals in the Soils of the Mining Regions of Kajaran, Armenia: A Preliminary Definition of Contaminated Areas Karen A. Ghazaryan, Hasmik S. Movsesyan and Naira P. Ghazaryan |

| Comparison of Biodiesel Produced from Soybean, Ground Nut, Melon Seeds and used Vegetable Oil O. A. Oseni, A. G. Taiwo, A. A. Taiwo and O. S. Shoyemi |

| Resource Leveling and Construction Project Scheduling with Allowed Activity Splitting Piotr Jaskowski |

| Clients’ Satisfaction with Educational Resource Systems that Facilitate Teaching and Learning in Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Ratchaburi Orapin Swangwatanasade, Sontaya Srimeak, Hatairat Aramsirirujiwet and Sakorn Panpayap |

| The Effect of Knelson Gravity Concentration on Chromium Recovery from Plant Waste Zehra Ebru Sayın, Bilgin Bozkurt and Serkan Bicer |

| ‘Domalan’ : Ectomycorrhizal Fungi from Eastern Egean Region of Anatolia Bilge Akdeniz and Dilek Demirbüker Kavak |

| Assigning Product Development roles to Software Engineers based on Personality types and Skills Azer Celikten and Aydin Cetin |

| Intramural Dust Mites: Biodiversity and its Quantitative Analysis Vaishali M. Bansod |

| Priority based Job Performance in Self-Healing Network Managment of Wireless Sensor Networks Vikas Malik |

| Analysis of Students Understanding on Biomimicry Design approach Wan Noor Faaizah Wan Omar, Haszlin Sharudin, Muhammad Azroll Ahmad, Hasnul Azwan Azizan, Fadila Mohd Yusof, Anis Mardiana Ahmad and Khairul Aidil Azlin Abd Rahman |

| Towards Ecopreneurial Society in Bandung City Indonesia: A Case Study from RW-05 Cihampelas Street Ratna Lindawati Lubis |

| Use of Ecological Footprint Assessment in the Analysis of Environmental Performance for Oil palm Plantations in the Southern part of Thailand Weerawat Ounsaneha and Cheerawit Rattanapan |

| A Conceptual Framework for A Real-Time-based Monitoring and Diagnostics for Building Performance and Occupant Behavior Choongwan Koo and Seung Hyun Cha |

| Psychological Adjustment among Pupils of Primary Schools in the City of Baghdad Raghad Ibrahim and Mohammed Baqir |

| Implementing Configuration of Vertical Cross on Urban Waste Treatment as ‘Aesthetic Boards’ for Interior Design Firman Hawari, Agus Sachari and Adhi Nugraha |

| An Investigation on Usage of Seydisehir Electrofilter Residue Alumina Powder at Ceramic Production C.B. Emrullahoglu Abi and O.F. Emrullahoglu |

| Seasonal Changes of Radon Concentrations in well Waters on Akşehir Fault Zone and its Surroundings Ayla Gümüş and Hüseyin Ali Yalım |

| Almost A-Cosymplectic Manifolds with H-Paralleltensor Fields Hakan Öztürk, İsmail Mısırlı and Sermin Öztürk |