| Influence of Voltage in Electrodialysis Process on Treatment of Copper, Lead and Nickel Containing Solutions Ersin Aytaç and Süreyya Altin |

| Critical Review of the Classial Techniques for Repair and Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beam-column Framed Structures Mohamed Chemrouk |

| Geological and Mineralogical Properties of Coal-Bearing Neogene Sedimentary Units Between Karahalli (UŞAK) and Çivril Towns (DENIZLI), Western Turkey Tülay Altay, Ali Korkmaz, Fuzuli Yağmurlu, Murat Şentürk and Abdurrahman Murat |

| Effect of Shaking Table at the Removal of Clay Minerals from Low-grade Colemanite Concentrate Sibel Bada and Zehra Ebru Sayin |

| Bentonite Doped Khorasan Mortar C. Betul Emrullahoglu Abi and Erdinc Abi |

| Durability of Hydraulic Structures Exposed to Ground Water Kadhim Naief Kadhim and Noor Sabah Abbas |

| Case Study: Performance Evaluation of Airfoil RAF-48 Nagy Mohamed Hussein |

| Identification of Dynamics of Electric Power Transmission System of Underwater Vehicle Jerzy Garus and Bogdan Zak |

| Analysis on the Establishment status of the National Research Facilities and Equipment in Korea: Focusing on ZEUS Online System Woohyun Kim and Lee Eun Ju |

| Law Enforcement Technology Integration: A Case Study in Perceptions of Police Body-Worn Cameras in New Jersey Brian P. Kelly |

| Adding a Graphical user Interface in Java to an Interpreter program for a Programming Language Octavian Nicolio |

| Self-Warning Method and Evacuation Plan to Escape from Post-fire Debris Flows Ping Xu |

| Agrilink: An On-Line Marketplace System for Farmers and Consumers Joey M. Suba |

| Remediation of Hard Water Metal Ions in Drinking Waters by POA Pratensis, Kentucky Bluegrass Peter R. Pascucci |

| Association Between Micro Albuminuria and Hypertension in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Ali Mohammed Fadhil and Abdulhamed al-Qaseer |

| Effect of Catalyst on Claisen Rearrangement of 2-Allyloxy 3-Methyl Acetophenone and Photo Physical Properties of Rearranged Products P. Mangaveni and Y.L.N. Murthy |

| Hiding Patient Information into Magnetic Resonance Images Using DNA Based Wavelet Transform Rukiye Karakis, Kali Gurkahraman, Burhanettin Cigdem, Ibrahim Oztoprak and A. Suat Topaktas |

| Experimental Investigation on an Automobile Radiator with Copper Oxide (CuO) based Nanofluid as Coolant M.B. Maisuria, F. Bodiwala, M. K. Rathod and M.K. Bhatt |

| Graduating Pre-service Teachers' use of Learner-centered Instructional Approaches During Their Final Teaching Practicum Ronald L. Brown |

| Estimaciones apriorísticas aplicadas a la solución ecuaciones elípticas de mediante el método del elemento finito Víctor Hugo Jacobo Armendáriz, Armando Ortiz Prado, Beatriz Dolores Guardian Soto and Abel Camacho Galván |

| Evaluation of the Citadel of Oran After the Earthquake of 1790 Zatir Amira and Foufa Amina |

| Voices from the Field of Aboriginal Special Education in Canada - 2005 Ron Phillips |

| Determination of Annual Dose Rates Associated with Natural Radioactivity in Afyonkarahİsar Ayla Gümüş and Hüseyin Ali Yalim |

| A Note on Almost Alpha Kenmotsu Manifolds Hakan Öztürk, Sermin Öztürk and S.K. Yadav |

| Is Existence a Predicate?: Abū NASR AL-Fārābī on Predicate and Necessary Being Mashhad Al-Allaf |

| Investigation of the Experimental Characterization of the different inorganic Light Emitting diodes (LEDS) and the Photovoltaic effect on these LEDs K. Remidi, A. Cheknane and M. Haddadi |

| Creatively and Innovatively Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Teaching and Learning for Academic Success for All Students Lynne M. Celli and Nicholas D. Young |

| N*C* -Smarandache Curves of Involute-Evolute Curves According to Frenet Frame In R13 Özgür Boyacioğlu Kalkan, Hakan Öztürk and Damla Zeybek |

| WWW: What e-Wastes Worth Afolabi Olaitan O. |

| A Practical Framework for Implementing E-Commerce in Smes in Developing Countries: A Case from Bangladesh Shakir Karim, Ergun Gide and Raj Sandu |

| The Journey to People the Planet: Following Continental Coasts Barry Wood |

| Consumer Protection of Phishing Scam in Cyber Jurisdiction Edy Santoso and Sukendar |

| Efficacy of Edible Composite Film Coating on the Storage Quality of Dried NATA DE COCO Sirilak Namwong and Jiraporn Nuwongsri |

| Complications of Late Pregnancy Rute Tavares, Maria João Nascimento, Cláudia Rodrigues, Humberto Tomé, Cristina Albuquerque and Carlos Albuquerque |