| Using Identity as a Tool for Investigation: A Methodological Option in the Researcher’s Toolbox Jenny Johnston |

| Optimising Reading Development in ESL Learners: Positive Outcomes of a South African Literacy Pilot Project Annalene van Staden |

| Underprepared Students: How Best Can They Be Creatively Supported? Mamolahluwa Mokoena and Ellen Materechera |

| The Relationship Between Learning Motivation and Innovative Behavior in the University Students: From the Perspective of Creative Self-Efficacy Shih-Ching Shiu, Hsiu-O Chien and Shy-Yi Lin |

| The Application of Buddhism Art in General Education of University in Taiwan—Take Sanchi Stupa as Example Hsiu-O Chien and Shih-Ching Shiu |

| Comparing Public Vocational Training Policies in Taiwan and Japan Farn Shing Chen, Chia Yu Chuang and Hui Shin Chang |

| The Socratic Method of Teaching in a Multidisciplinary Educational Setting Demetra Fr. Sorvatzioti |

| The Role of Peer Feedback, Teacher Written and Taped Commentary in Enhancing Revision and Improving Text Quality Malika Haoucha |

| The American Study Abroad Industry in Italy René M. Du Terroil and Michael D. Santonino III |

| Types, Techniques and Procedures of Assessment in the Teacher Training Degree in the European Higher Education Area Rebeca Soler Costa and Javier Sarsa Garrido |

| Tendencies and Perspectives of Ideally Educated and Creative Individuals; Comparing Artistic and Scientific Thinking Processes Kenneth R. Austin |

| Through the Looking Glass: The Power of Community Immersion Experiences for Student Leaning in One Bachelor of Arts Drama Program. Tracey Sanders |

| Principal Candidates Use Wikis to Create Collaborative Technology Plans Harvey R. Allen |

| Education, Assessment and the Construction of the New Swedish School System Nils Vasara-Hammare, Eva Alerby and Krister Hertting |

| Strategic Competence in the L2 Classroom: An Introduction Joseph Wood |

| The Ruins of Retention C. S. Schreiner |

| The Transferability of Learning: Writing Strategies in an Omani EFL Context Al-Bulushi Yasmin |

| Two-Four Group Educational Reserch Designs: Pretest-Posttest Interaction, Switching Replication and Treatment Effect Maria Corazon S. Huelar |

| Using Computer-Based Programs for Teaching English Writing in Princess Alia University College in Jordan Sereen Mousa Jubran |

| Unconventional Approach to Re-Qualify Existing Public Basic Schools in Developing Countries – Egypt: A Case Study Soheir Mohamed Hegazy |

| Innovation and Creativity in Teaching Islamic Religious Knowledge (IRK) at Secondary Schools in Brunei Darussalam Gamal Abdul Nasir Zakaria and Salwa Mahalle |

| Applying Constructivist Instruction Method to Basic Design Course Sevinc Kurt |

| First-Time Graduate Enrollment: Feminine Gender Scenario at University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Carmen Figueroa, Betsy Morales and Anand D. Sharma |

| Occupational Stress and Job Satisfaction: A Case Study of Expatriate Lecturers of IIUM Abdulai Kaba |

| The Relationship Between Approaches to Learning and Academic Achievement Among Kindergarten Students: An Analysis Using Early Childhood Longitudianl Study Kindergarten Students (ECLS-K) Eunjin Lee |

| Reading for Pleasure: Effects of Using an Online Animated Book on Young ELLs’ Reading Proficiency Tecnam Yoon |

| Integrating Electronic Instructional and Assessment Tools into Teacher Education Programs Izabella Petriashvili |

| Financing Higher Education in Selected European Countries and Croatia Vlado Leko, Alen Stojanovic and Danijel Mlinaric |

| Motivation Factors Influencing People to Further Their Education: A Survey Study of a Graduate Diploma Program in English in Bangkok, Thailand Sucharat Rimkeeratikul |

| Understanding How Arts Integration Contribute to Disadvantaged Students’ Success: A Theoretical Framework A. Helene Robinson |

| Reading in Malaysia: University Students’ Interaction with Print and Technology Vivien Chee Pei Wei and Ambigapathy Pandian |

| Dilemma of Malaysian University Effeminate Students: An Assessment on Their Daily Psychosocial Struggles Azlinda Azman and Jamalludin Sulaiman |

| Teaching American Compliment Responses to Thai Undergraduate Students Lars Cedar |

| Teaching Business Writing Using Wiki: Online Collaborative Writing S. H. Chan, A. Pandian, A. S. Joseph and A. H. Ghazali |

| Rich Video Lectures: The Teacher “Uncanned” Javier Sarsa Garrido and Rebeca Soler Costa |

| The Efficacy of Electronic Peer Feedback: From Taiwanese EFL Students’ Perspectives Mei-Ching Ho |

| Developing Competency of Pre-Service Teachers in doing Action Research: Outcome and Issues Lew Moi Mooi and Munira Mohsin |

| False Image: Education in Canada and UNESCO Ron Phillips |

| Roles of Educational Leaders in inducing Change in Public Schools: Al Ain as a Case Study Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed Ibrahim and Ahmed A. Al-Mashhadany |

| Teaching Reading to Struggling Learners Toh Chwee Hiang, Ambigapathy Pandian, Shaik Abdul Malik Mohamed Ismail, Kelana Ahmad and Azril Ali |

| Structure of Black Male Students’ Science Academic Performance Barbara Rascoe and Catherine Lange |

| Universal Accessibility in the University Environment and its Perception by Students with Disabilities in Spain Pilar Dotras, Daniel Guasch, Jordi Riera and Maria Alvarez |

| Music Teaching as Cultural Struggle: Implications for Music Education Leonid Sprikut |

| Professionalizing the Humanities: Creating Meaningful Links Between Liberal and Technical Education Gail Gibson Sheffield and Phillip A. Taylor III |

| Re-Conceptualizing English Language Teaching Teacher Education and Development in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: Addressing Transformations and Challenges Ali Al-Issa |

| Students Perceptions of Accountability in Today’s Modern Classroom Jennifer McLeod |

| The Effects of Personalized Instruction on the Academic Achievement of Students in Physics Romiro G. Bautista |

| Teaching Jazz Improvisation via the Internet Tracy Heavner |

| Going Virtual: Trials and Triumphs in Graduate Education Amy S. Ackerman |