| An Instrument to Assess Physical Aspects of Classroom Environment in Malaysia Che Nidzam Che Ahmad, Asmayati Yahaya, Mohd Faizal Nizam Lee Abdullah, Noraini Mohamed Noh and Mazlini Adnan |

| Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Among French Language Students: Is There a Different Between Genders? Sh. Muzdalifah Syed Ahmad |

| Theatricality of the Revolution in Thomas carlyle’s History of the French Revolution (1837) Reza Sattarzadeh Nowbari |

| One Thousand and One Nights and the Narrative Technique of O. Zulfu Livaneli’s My Brother’s Story Baris Mete |

| Critical Incidents as Narratives for Literature Students Defne Erdem Mete |

| Discourse Prosody of English Modal Verbs in Three Genres Associated With the Scottish Ship RMS Queen Elizabeth Abdul Mutalib Embong, Puteri Zarina Megat Khalid, Mahfuzah Rafek, Azelin Mohamed Noor, Zulqarnain Abu Bakar and Juliani Hussain |

| Alexis Wright’s Carpentaria From an Ecocritical Perspective Kristiina Varrone |

| Using L1 in L2 Classrooms: A Case Study Among Secondary School Students of Mixed English Language Proficiencies Azelin Mohamed Noor, Abdul Mutalib Embong and Osaro Aigbogun |

| Inequality in Northern Nigeria: A Lagacy of the British Colonial Rule Terwase Akuya |

| The Professoriate: The First Year, Leadership, Creating Connections, Community, and Virtual Educational Teaching Practices Nicholas D. Young, Lynne M. Celli, Linda Denault and Rick Roque |

| Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Methodology in Improving Students’ Learning Attitudes Towards English Language Abigail Melad Essien |

| Japanese Animation: Thailand’s Perspective Niracharapa Tongdhamachart |

| Governorship Election Litigation and Political Stability in Ondo State Nigeria, 1983-2013 Afe Adedayo Emmanuel |

| Two Shot Theory in Film Studies Samuel R. Forkner |

| Management of Innovations in the Aspect of an Enterprise Organisation and Creativity of Employees Dagmara Bubel |

| Business Tendency Indicators in Tourism in the Małopolska Region (Poland) 2011-2014 Marcin Kopeć, Rafał Poniewski |

| Grigol Robakidze’s The Snake’s Skin in the Context of Georgian-German Literary Relations Natia Purtseladze |

| Using Commonly Available ICT for English Learning: Experiences and Recommendations Zuochen Zhang and Zuotang Zhang |

| Multidimensional Management of a Higher Education Institution Dagmara Bubel and Izabela Turek and Seweryn Cichoń |

| Outsourcing in Managing a Modern Enterprise Oksana Seroka-Stolka and Dagmara Bubel |

| Chosen Financial Aspects of Reverse Logistics Processes in Poland Agata Mesjasz-Lech |

| Coherence and Subject/Object Asymmetry from Accessibility Hierarchy in Chinese Revisited: Evidence from Experimental Work Daniel Tsz-hin Lee |

| The Processes of Decision-Making in Inventory Management in Cement Industry Companies in Poland Sylwia Łęgowik-Świącik and Agnieszka Wójcik-Mazur |

| Generation Y in the Fight for a Job. How Students of Logistics See Their Future in the Profession Joanna Krzywda and Dariusz Krzywda |

| Effect of Cluster Initiatives on Innovative Activities in Enterprises Marlena Grabowska |

| Knowledge Management and Technological Development of the Enterprise Piotr Kuraś, Małgorzata Kuraś and Tomasz Lis |

| Don’t Make Me Mad; Just Listen to Me: Mental Illness, Voice and Protest in Third World Women’s Literature Ebere Nweze |

| Communication Apprehension in Language Learning: is it Serious? Azelin Mohamed Noor, Mahfuzah Rafek, Puteri Zarina Megat Khalid and Razita Mohammad |

| How Hope, Personal Growth Initiative and Meaning in Life Predict Work Engagement Among Nurses in Malaysia Private Hospitals Ahsha Vaksalla and Intan Hashimah |

| The Tone of Speech and Its Impact on Interpersonal Relationships Katarzyna Oberda |

| The Discourse Analysis of European Arrest Warrant in Legal Translation Ewa Piotrowska-Oberda |

| Egnate Ninoshvili’s Kristine and Christian Krohg’s Albertine in a Comparative Perspective Kakhaber Loria |

| An Evaluation of Mystatlab Software for a Managerial Statistics Course Abel Moreno and Wayne Haga |

| Teaching Evidence-Based Innovation (EBI) as a Trans-Disciplinary Professional Skill In an Undergraduate Biology Writing Workshop Brian Winterman and George M. Malacinski |

| Research and Development (R&D) Capabilities and Innovation Capability that Affect the Enterprise Competitive Advantage in the Thai Automotive Parts Industry: Sem Approach Wawmayura Chamsuk, Theppara Phimonsathien and Wanno Fongsuwan |

| Service Quality and Customer Relationship Management Affecting Customer Retention of Long-Stay Travelers in the Thai Tourism Industry: A SEM Approach Kanjana Tawinunt, Theppara Phimonsathien and Wanno Fongsuwan |

| Language Needs Assessment of Selected Filipino Learners in Second Language Classrooms Teresita P. Pareja |

| For Love: The Mediating Role of Self Efficacy on Workaholism, Job Satisfaction and Burnout Aleksandra Kosevic and Jennifer Loh |

| Effects of Laboratory Learning Environment on Students’ Learning Outcomes in Secondary School Chemistry Odutuyi Musili Olubu |

| Language as Instrument for Social Change in Tu T’appelleras Tanga and Femme Nue Femme Noire of Calixthe Beyala Ndidiamaka Ononuju Ejechi |

| The Effects of Anxiety and Self-efficacy on Adult Undergraduate Finance Students Naveen K. Malhotra |