| Exploring the Determining Factors Influencing Online Purchase Behaviour Among Consumers in Emerging Economies: A Case of Mauritius Sharmila Pudaruth and Rishi Kumar Nursing |

| Quality of Work Life as a Predictor Toward Employee Loyalty at Malaysian Automotive Industry Narehan Hassan, Nuramalina Farahin Zahidi, Shariffah Ali, Rozilah A Aziz, Norfadzilah A Razak, Nur Zainie A Hamid and Mazuin Mat Halif |

| A qualitative Analysis on Youth Awareness, Opinion and Perception on Green Travel Azilah Kasim and Hisham Dzakiria |

| Exploring Emotional Intelligence and Authentic Leadership in Relation to Academic Achievement Among Nursing Students Dora Nkongho Eyong and N. K. Rathee |

| Effects of Maternal Socio-Economic Status (SES) on Childhood Overweight and Obesity (COWOB) in Nigeria Faith Ibitoyosi Ilesanmi and Oluwatoyin Olatundun Ilesanmi |

| Perceptions of Students and Teachers about Democratic Student Participation and Representation at University Montserrat Alguacil de Nicolás, Maria Carme Boqué Torremorell and Mercé Pañellas Valls |

| Values at Harvard: A Context Joseph P. Garske |

| The Impacts of the Russian Plane Crisis, The July 15 th Coup D'etat Attempt and Terrorist Attacks on the Market Values of the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) Tourism Index Umut Burak Geyikci and Mustafa Tepeci |

| Minimum Medical English Language Education for Japanese Radiological Technologists Suzy Connor |

| Gender Gaps in Undergraduate Computer Technology Programs: Develop A Theoretical Research Framework Bilquis Ferdousi |

| WWF'S Green Marketing Strategy and Challenges in the Developing Countries: The Case of Pakistan Jawaid Ahmed Qureshi, Muhammad Asif Qureshi and Syed Mir Muhammad Shah |

| Are Employers Dissatisfied with College Graduates? An Empirical Examination Anthony M. Baird and Satyanarayana Parayitam |

| Financial Instability Hypothesis and Macroeconomic Stabilization: How Should Government React in Times of Crisis? Paul I. Ojeaga |

| Curbing Smoking and Drug use among Adolescents in the Tertiary Institutions: Counselling Implication Florence Undiyaundeye |

| Homework Completion: Perceptions and Comparisons of 6 th ‐12 th Grade Students using Traditional and Digital Submission David Hallatt, Megan A. Huss, Catherine Unsbee, Adel Al‐Bataineh and Saiwaroon Chumpavan |

| The Determinants of Monetary Policy Dynamics in Sub‐Saharan Africa: An Empirical Investigation Andrew Maredza and Ebenezer Gbenga Olamide |

| Effects of Corn COB Fiber Addition on Noodle Properties Nuntaporn Aukkanit, Supawan Pantong, Jannapa Yeela and Phikunthong Sawatwong |

| Restorative Justice and Canadian Policing: A Study of the Attitudes of the Humber Community toward the Utilization of British Restorative Justice Techniques in Everyday Policing Rebekah Gonzales,Margaret Duda, Jennifer Dawe and Aqeel Saeid |

| Developing and Sustaining Vocational Educational Training in Africa: The Core Element John Olotewo |

| Do Years of Teaching Experience Really Matter in Faculty Conceptions and Misconceptions of Implementing Hybrid Courses? Ramon-Osvaldo Gonzalez, Jeanne Radigan, Helen C. Wittman and Elsa‐Sofia Morote |

| Teaching William Faulkner's Use of Classical Myth In Absalom, Absalom! Daniela Duralia |

| An Effective Diagnostic to Overcome Reading Difficulties among Learners with Average Reading Ability Noor Aini Ahmad, Mashitoh Hashim, Aos A.Z. Ansaef Al‐Juboori and Bilal Bahaa Zaidan |

| Common Mathematical Mistakes and Misconceptions among Pre‐Academic Israeli Students Yehuda Ashkenazi |

| Globalination: An Ambiguity of the ‘National Literature’ Concept in the Global Context and the Concept's Possible Influence on the Theory of Intertextuality Paweł K. Rutkiewicz |

| Meta-Cognition and Graduate Attributes' Development: Engineering Students' Reflections on their Strengths, Weaknesses and Strategies Sophia M. Ndethiu |

| The Effects of using Social Media Celebrities for Product Endorsements Muhamad Sham S. Ali, Viola Gjylbegaj and Maryam Balfagieh |

| The Uses and Gratifications of Music among Emerging Adults Karen De la Rosa Herrera and Rudy Pugliese |

| Learning Management Outcomes in the Life skills Subject Integrated with Maintaining Arts and Cultures for Nursing Students Suchada Wongsawat, Piromlak Meesattayanan and Kannika Hansoongnoen |

| Innovative Methods and Techniques of Languages Teaching and Learning Ileana Mihaela Chiriţescu and Floriana Anca Păunescu |

| Decentralisation and Centralisation ‐ Financing Public Education in Hungary András Schlett |

| Should Business Actors behave in the Same Way? Barriers of Internal Corporate Communication in Multicultural Context Lívia Ablonczy-Mihályka |

| Competitiveness of Cities and Performance of Companies in the Case of Hungarian Regional Centers Veronika Poreisz |

| 'Writing Intersubjectively': Lessons Learned from the Process of Biographizing a Thai Grassroots Activist Through an Irigarayian Lens Sinith Sittirak |

| Exploring the Aspects of Learning and How Learning Develops in Creative Writing: Smart Writing School for Orphans in the Al Anshari Orphanage, Makassar Bulqia Masud |

| Achievement Goal Understanding in Chinese College Students Mingming Zhou |

| Rethink the Trendy Dream: Living in the Rocky Mountains in Light of Feng‐Shui Ping Xu |

| Attitudes of Jordanian University Students towards the Concept of Political Participation Amani G. Jarrar |

| Developing A Causal Model of Turnover Intention of Police Officers in the Eastern Region of Thailand Waiphot Kulachai and Amornthip Amaraphibal |

| Improving Book Reports through Creativity and Variety John Howrey |

| The Tracing of Arabic Calligraphy Olga Hasanoğlu |

| ICT Competence of Hungarian Foreign Language Teachers Boglárka Boldizsár |

| Comparative Analysis of Economic Growth Rates for Post-Soviet Countries Simon Gelashvili |

| Representations of the Hindu Divine Feminine: Implications for Female Empowerment in India Padmaja Kamat |

| The Psychological Reality of a Syntactic Category: Authentic Evidence of Tense Shadyah A. N. Cole |

| On Beginnings in Design Studio Teaching: A Poetic Approach Amos Bar-Eli |

| ANN VS ARIMA in Time Series: Exchange Rate Forecasting Roneda Mucaj |