| Higher Education in Kyrgyzstan and its Perspectives Saltanat Mambaeva |

| Role of Women in the Struggle of Palestine Ghulam Mursaleen |

| Do we Still Need “The Good Old Dissection” in the Modern Anatomy Curriculum? Tabinda Hasan and Mahmood Fauzi |

| Ontology Web-based E-learning for Knowledge Management Boundary Norapattra Permpool and Thana Sukvaree |

| A Study of Factory Manager's Expectation for Welder’s Worker in Thailand Pakamas Choosit |

| At Authority of the European Court of Human Rights in Terms of Time Yusuf Deniz and M. Ali Zengin |

| Liberalism and Understanding of Liberal Thought Hayriye Sagır and Handan Temızel |

| Globalization and Impact Areas Selgin Sagır, Mehmet Sagır and Hayriye Sagır |

| Label, Aim and Types of Labels in Textile Products Emine Esirgenler |

| The Rise of Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility in Posttransition Economies Tanja Milic |

| Managing Knowledge on Web-Blogs – An Ontological Approach Siew Fan Wong and Tong Ming Lim |

| To the Problem of Sick Building Syndrome in the University Environment Nadezda A. Kobzeva and Marina V. Kuimova |

| Logistics: Strategic Function for Enterprises in the French Ready-to-Wear Industry? Dari Laetitia |

| Song in Teaching English – Social and Cultural Aspect Olena Tatyanchenko |

| Fourth-Grade Reading Achievement in Singapore and the United States: Progress in International Reading Literacy Study 2006 Beverly M. Klecker |

| The Theatrical Effect of Music in Ődőn von Horváth’s Volksstücke Alina Sofronie |

| The Impact of Transformational and Transactional Leadership to Subordinate’s Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment Affect to Team Effectiveness Natepanna Yavirach |

| Skilled Toy for Learning Disabilities (LD) Chaiwat Suwan-on, Udomsak Saributr and Lertlak Klinhom |

| Coping Strategies Among Malaysian Football Players M. S. Omar-Fauzee, NorindaSamad, M. N. Hakim, K. G. Soh and M. H. Rosli |

| The Importance of Logistic Villages in Increasing International Trade – The Case of Turkey and Italy Mehmet Burak Ceran, Hatice Ertürk and Hakan Ahmet Özkürkçüler |

| Survival of Teaching Natural Sciences After 2012? Daniel Mareš |

| Relation Percent Protein Barley Cultivars with Nitrogen Fertilizer Saeed Jafari |

| Economic, Social and Cultural Behavior of Tourists that Visit Manzanillo, Colima, as Destination of Sun and Beach María Adelaida Silvestre Campos, Juan Alonzo Livas de la Garza, Aurelio Deniz Guizar and Nuchnudee Chaisatit |

| Financial Analysis of Small and Micro Community Enterprise (SMCE) of Agricultural Product Processing, a Case Study of Bankwae in Chiang Mai City Chirayu Hantrakul |

| Effect of Leaders’ Images in 2011 General Elections – Recep Tayip Erdogan-Kemal Kiliçdaroğlu Mehmet Fidan and Makbule Evrim Gülsünler |

| An Evaluation of Walk-In Examination Computerized System for Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University Students Somtawin Wijitwanna |

| Relationship Between Georgia and the Crusaders According to the Information Provided by Jacques de Vitry Tea Tsitlanadze and Andro Gogoladze |

| Change in the Middle East and the Turkish Model – A Critique of the Past and Present Shatlyk Amanov |

| Public Policies and Private Higher Education in Mexico Limits and Opportunities of Quality of Education. Rosario Salgado Nuñez and César Correa Arias |

| News Language in the Media and “Erdoğan’s Speech in Strasbourg” Enderhan Karakoç and Pınar Eke |

| Dancing as an Integral Part of Architectural Education – A Covered Structure Havva Alkan Bala |

| Effect of Families on Students’ Achievment and Success on Science Courses Abdulkadir Yörük, Aziz Boyraz, Hatice Akkuş and Adem Akkuş |

| The Issue of the Recognition of Judgments in the European Union – The Role of the Translator Anca Ileana Dusca and Diana Domnica Danisor |

| On Introducing Anonymity into the E-Learning Platform Moodle – Forum Anon Margarita Elkina and Ewgenij Starostin |

| Naturalism in Indian Philosophy Shuchita Mehta |