| Role of Women in Renewable Energy Resource Management Work Done by Members of Gram Pnchyat in Khandala Taluka District Satara Maharashtra, India - A case Study Saroj Pandharbale |

| The Role of “GATEKEEPERS” in the System of Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing - Facing the Fourth Directive Sonja Cindori |

| The Tools of Soft Warin International Relations Javad Nikmoeen |

| DNA Binding and Cleavage Activities of Synthesized Boron Complexes Alparslan K. Devrim, Mert Sudagidan, Ali Arslantas and Dursun A. Köse |

| How Transformational Teachers are as Leaders in the Context of Bangladeshi Higher Education Institutions Saad Md Maroof Hossain and Kashfah Khan Chowdhury |

| On the Research of Linguistic World-Image Asymmetry in Word-Formation K. Sh. Abrahamyan and N. R. Nazaretyan |

| Institutional Quality and Trust in Banks in Latin America Steven Gunawan, Eduard Jan Bomhoff and Grace Hooi Yean Lee |

| Modeling of Hydrological Drought Monitoring Alireza Nikbakht Shahbazi and Alireza Pilpayeh |

| A Comparison of the Top Three Travel Blogs in Hong Kong Joey Wu |

| One or Two English for Specific Purposes Course (S)? Belinda Ho |

| The Using of Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6) as a Cover Gas for Protection of Molten Magnesium Alloys Meltem Demirci, Ali Serdar Vanli, Anil Akdogan and Huseyin Sonmez |

| Traces of Popular Culture in Cinema Rengin Ozan |

| Parameter Estimation of Reservoir Water Quality Model using Genetic Algorithm Jae Heon Cho and Sang Mok Bae |

| Genotyping in Pharmacothreapy H. S. Suzen |

| Swarm Based Fuzzy Clustering for Preformance Evaluation Sylvia Encheva |

| Developing Spoken Academic Skills on Conference Posters - A New Academic and Research Genre Aleksandra Łuczak |

| Assessment of Established and New Cleaning Technologies in Wastewater Treatment Plants Using Biomarkers in Fish Diana Maier and Rita Triebskorn |

| Short-Term ESL Study Abroad Experiences: Do They Reduce Japanese Students' Difficulty in Oral Communication in English? Yoko Sato |

| Sustainability and Architectural Education in the University of Jos- Nigeria Allu Evelyn Lami Ashelo |

| Christian-Muslim Encounters in the 17th Century Georgia: Royal Documents Eter Edisherashvili |

| Legal Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Developing Countries - Case Study - Republic of Macedonia Biljana Conevska and Nada Doneva |

| Information System for Inclusion of Women With Normal Pregnancy in Gymnastics Program Irina Nesheva and Emilia Pavlova |

| Characteristics of the Service Industry Seen From the Standpoint of Internal Marketing Tatsuya Kimura |

| Glocal Higher Education in Saudi Arabia. Developments and Challenges Annalisa Pavan and Abdulrahman Alfahadi |

| Self- Esteem of Female Victims of Facial Burn Injuries Asima Faisal and Nasreen Hussain |

| Policy, Perception and Pedagogy: Aboriginal Students' Experiences in Northern Ontario (Canada) Lorenzo Cherubini |

| A Comparison of Academic Partnership Coach-Based Graduate Students in 5 Week Cohorts to Traditional Graduate Students Ronda Mintz-Binder |

| Judicial Independence of Bangladesh Mohammed Shahjalal |

| Public-Private Partnership in Nigerian Tertiary Education Funding: Case for an Alternative Approach Ojobor Lebechukwu Mercy |

| Multi-Objective Optimization of Anaerobic Digestion Models for Biogas Production Josiah Adeyemo and Abimbola M. Enitan |

| Resolution of Multiobjective Water Supply Problems in the Vanderkloof Dam Josiah Adeyemo and Oluwatosin Olofintoye |

| The Politics of Race and Gender in the Texts of Jennie Carter and Maria Luisa Garza Patricia Ortiz-Owens |

| Workshop on the Construction of Communities in Social Media Sites Bee Bee Sng |

| Random Point Processes - An Interdisciplinary Approach K. S. S. Iyer, Vijayalakshmi Chetlapalli and Sunil Patil |

| Feature Film Discourse as Linguistic Subject Rakhima Zhumaliyeva |

| Visionary Company Attributes and Firm Performance: A Study of Nigerian SMES Joe Duke II |

| Perceptions of Women in the Balance of Power in Turkey Seher Cesur-Kiliçaslan and Toprak Isik (Erdal Kiliçaslan) |

| Common Grammatical Errors (Lexical Analysis) Othman Mustafa Al-Jaber |

| A Qualitative Study of Democratic Workplace Frameworks Vicki Lee |

| Cultures Through Song: A Korean Journey: The Process and Outcome of a Student/Faculty Collaborative Project Teri A. Herron and Jung Won Shin |

| Inclusive Growth in India - A Study on Financial Inclusion of Rural Household in Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh P. Veni |

| Is There an Environmental Kuznets Curve for Bangladesh? Fazle Rabbi, SM Zobaidul Kabir and Delwar Akbar |

| Teacher Image in Literary Qualified Student Novels Aysegul Celepoglu and Nuray Kisa |

| Employing Turkish Teachers in Primary Education Schools-Elementary Schools(Grades 1-8) in Turkey and the Problems Encountered in Turkish Textbooks and Suggestions Rasim Özyürek |

| The Analysis of the Teaching Preferences and Perceptions of Students in the First and Fourth Grade and Studying the Department of Classroom Teaching About Learning Funda Uysal and Sultan Demircan |

| Determinining the Relationship between Teacher's Perception About Organizational Justice and the Job Satisfaction by Meta-Analysis Nuray Kisa and Tarık Basar |

| Extending an Interpreter Program Written in C++ to Recognize Repetition Structures in a Programming Language Octavian Nicolio |

| Political Interest, Nature of Public Expenditure and Economic Growth: Evidences from India Joydeb Sasmal and Ritwik Sasmal |

| Improving Mental Health Using Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CCBT): The Importance of Addressing Users' Perceptions and Acceptance of This Methodology Eliane Du , Ethel Quayle and Hamish Macleod |

| A Preliminary Study on the Acceptance of Assistive Devices Among Elderly in Dementia Day Care Centre in Malaysia Nur Balqis Ahmad Safawi, Asiah Abdul Rahim and Ismawi Hj. Zen |

| Tracing New Impacts in Education and Teaching in Changing Global Scenario Manisha A. Gaikwad |

| A Framework on Islamic Spirituality Development and Ethical Workplace Ismail Abd Rahman, Junaidah Hashim and Faridah Abdul Latif |

| Investigation of Climatic and Visual Comfort Levels in Historic Elementary School Building in Kocaeli-Turkey Neslihan Türkmenoğlu Bayraktar and Mohammed S. G. Abusamhadana |

| Collaboration of and Academia and Industry Partners for Stem Mentoring Susan Chaisson Schueller |

| Promoting Scientific and Cultural Literacy Through Dance and Science: Lessons From a Project in Brazil R. Silveira João, O. Maia Cristina, M. R. Vasconcelos Sonia and Lannes Denise |

| A Study on Internal Brand Management by Leading Banks in Navi Mumbai Area, India Nivedita Shreyans Sable |

| Country of Origin (COO) Influence on Services of Foreign Versus Domestic Banks: Consumers' Perceptions of Service Quality in the UAE Mohammad Naim Chaker |

| Within the Framework of Prosecutors and Judges: Auditing the Duties of Turkish High Council of Judges and Prosecutors Ovunc Ozkan |

| A Test of the Effectiveness of the Undiluted Bleach Method in Defleshing Human Remains Michael Ruiz |

| Prediction Support in Healthcare Information Systems With Case Studies Ahmad Shahin, Walid Moudani and Fadi Chakik |

| Adaptation of Weighted Kaplan-Meier Method to Time-Dependent ROC Curves: A Real Application on Pancreas Cancer Data Deniz Sigirli, Ilker Ercan, Ozkan Balcin and Ekrem Kaya |

| Examining Type I Error Rate According to Number of Landmarks with Regards to Isotropic and Anisotropic Models for Two-Sample Tests in Statistical Shape Analysis Ilker Ercan and Gokhan Ocakoglu |

| Knowledge of Veterinarians About Biostatistics: A Worldwide Survey Gokhan Ocakoglu, Ilker Ercan, Guven Ozkaya, Ender Uzabac, Fatma Ezgi Can and Mehmet Onur Kaya |

| Biostatistics Education in Medical Faculty Guven Ozkaya, Deniz Sigirli, Ilker Ercan and M. Onur Kaya |

| Examining The Tests for Comparing Survival Curves With Right Censored Data Pinar Gunel Karadeniz and Ilker Ercan |

| Learning Barriers in the Comprehension of Literary Texts Among ESL Students: A Case Study From Malaysian Schools Abdul Ghani Abu and Ahmad Zainuri Loap Ahmad |

| How Many Tourists Are Needed in a Tourism Destination? Simone Marsiglio |

| Georgian Catholics in the Ottoman and Russian Empires: Aspects of Ethnic and Religious Identity Natia Natsvlishvili |

| Using Quality Criteria for Evaluating Students' Perceptions of Geogebra in Mathematics Education: Results and Implications Said Hadjerrouit |

| An Investigation Into Students' Perceptions of Multimedia Production as Part of Project Based Learning Into Drug Problem Solution Fisik Sean Buakanok and Pongwat Fongkanta |

| A Brief Core Values Scale B. W. Chua and K. C. Yeo |

| Genealogy and the Genre of the Postmodern Family Saga Zsuzsanna Koós |

| Biological Sequence Alignment Using Artificial Immune System Based Algorithm Yılmaz Atay and Halife Kodaz |

| Estimating Energy Demand of Turkey Using Bat Algorithm Model Hüseyin Hakli and Harun Uğuz |

| GSA Implementation for Solving Sudoku Puzzles ÜrünTunal and Erkan Ulker |

| Effect of Mental Training On M.S Patients' Dart Throwperformance Hamid Foroughipour |

| Consumers' Technology Readiness and the Adoption of ATMs in Zimbabwe Richard Shambare |