| Overcoming Resistance to Autonomous Learning Ayesha Heble |

| Impact of External Migration on the Ethnic Structure of Georgia’s Population in the XIX-XXI Centuries Mirian Tukhashvili |

| Nonverbal Communication Practices in Rome Reeta Raina |

| Learning Generators – New Technologies in Second Language Methodologies Eva Zanuy |

| Nanoparticles film of Prussian Blue (PB) as a novel LED-light-driven photocatalyst to recover trace Pt from the dilute aqueous Rongzhi Chen and Hisashi Tanaka |

| The Influence of Shopping Orientations on Attitudes Toward Online Shopping, Online Search and Online Purchase Intentions Meng-Kuan Lai and Min Hsiao |

| Symbolic Elements of the Illyrian Sculpture Which is Named ‘PYTHIAN APOLLO’ Irena Buzi |

| Global-Themed Internships: Taking the Intercultural Learning Experience Out of the Classroom Sean O’Connell and Anthony Cripps |

| Factors Affecting Brand Loyalty of Yakult Consumers in Bangkok, Thailand Supawadee Pattweekongka, Sirijanya Kuawiriyapan and Nirarat Singtowana |

| SWOT Analysis Of Tourism Entrepreneur: A Case Study Of B.B. Tour Inter Travel Company, Khon Kaen Province, Thailand Thirachaya Maneenetr |

| Study on the Impact of Social Factors on Depression of Korean Elderly Hyeji Choi and Soondool Chung |

| A Comparison on the Structural Properties of Nb-BaTiO3 Ceramics Homogenized Conventional and Ultrasonic Methods Hatice Zehra Akbas, Onur Yilmaz, Zeki Aydin and Selvin Ustabas |

| Error Rate Probability for Bpsk-Mimo System with Cyclic Code Over Rayleigh-Fading Channel Shawbow Abdulkarim Nizamaldeen, Thuraya Mahmood Al- Qaradaghi and Mahmood Farhan Mosleh |

| Initial Diagnostic Procedures in Formulating Teaching Strategies Ivan Markicć |

| Didactic Culture of School and Students’ Emotional Responses (Related to the Teaching Process) Ante Kolak |

| Big Data and Machine Learning for Business Management Vlad Diaconita, Alexandra Maria Ioana Florea and Iuliana Dorobat |

| The linguistic impact of short-term ESL study abroad experiences: The 2014 group Yoko Sato |

| Europeanization – Misinterpretation of the Concept in Practical Research Kristina Špottová |

| Peer-Driven Learning In Undergraduate Senior Capstone Courses: An Invesitgation into the Processes and Value Kimberly J. Stoudt and Dolores B. Bertoti |

| Societies in Films: Towards a Social Systems Theory of Genre Golnaz Sarkar Farshi |

| Outside, Inside and In-Between the Classroom: Connected Learning in an International Education Program in Florence Anne Bolin, Lawrence Basirico and Enrico Cecconi |

| Pre-Service Teachers’ Perspectives Of Assessment Viewed Through a Metaphorical Lens Mariëtte Koen |

| Language and Identity in Second Language Teaching Nenita Pambid Domingo and Ethelyn (Mila) Anguluan |

| The Mário De Andrade’S Poetry and Others Arts: The Brazilian Identity Revealed by the Poem “Amar Sem Ser Amando, Ora Pinhões!” Cristiane Rodrigues de Souza |

| Marketing and Tourism: Research Method for the Segmentation of the Haitian Diaspora Hugues Séraphin |

| Sustainability Toward the 7 Greens Concept Attama Nilnoppakun, Krissada Pornprapa and Kreagrit Ampawat |

| The Effectiveness of Short-Term Self Regulation Couple Therapy on Couples’ Marital Satisfaction and Semantic Differential of Sex Roles Arsalan Khanmohammadi Otaghsara and Farnaz Khani Oshanib |

| Career Path Choices of Female School Superintendents in the United States Cheryl L. Kelsey |

| Heating Analysis of Power Cable Lines Laid in a Duct Bank Niksa Kovac and Mario Cvetkovic |

| Trade Barriers in ASEAN Countries: Will ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) be achieved? Rungtip Jantanakul |

| Psychological Harassment (Mobbing) in Turkish Law Ertugrul Yuvali |

| Palaeocurrent Analysis in Metasedimentary Shillong Group of Rocks, Khasi and Jayantia Hills District of Meghalaya, India Mahananda Borah |

| Impact of Social Media Marketing in B2B Marketing Samuel Ryan Norman |

| Remittances and Economic Growth in Transition Countries Kamalbek Karimşakov, Metin Karadag and A. Özlem Önder |

| From the Convent’s Cell: A Feminist Discourse in the Texts of Two Baroque Nuns; Mexican Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz, and Venetian Arcangela Tarabotti Maria Patricia Ortiz |

| Uoffice Tuğkan Pilka and Özgür Firat Yildirim |

| White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Base on the Exciplex Emission Ihor Helzhynskyy |

| The Use of Alternative Assessment in the EFL Writing Class: Attitudes and Preferences Raveewan Wanchid |

| Subjective Well-Being and Unemployment in Turkey Z. Bilgen Susanli |

| Problems of Muga Silk Rearers in Assam, India Minakshi Bayan Borah |

| Factors Effecting on Study Habits Zebun Nisa Khan |

| Destination Marketing: Sustainability through Startups Khoon Koh and Abbas Monofali |

| Analyzing the Effect of Financial Institutions on Economic Development: Evidence from Different Stages of Financial Development Han Hou and Su-Yin Cheng |

| The Market Reactions Of Cash Refund Capital Reduction Han Hou and Su-Yin Cheng |

| Trend of Added Value Creation of Thai Fusion Foods for Foreign Tourists: Case Studies of Thai-Halal, Thai-Vietnamese, Thai-Chinese, Thai-Japanese and Thai-Western Foods Sirivan Serirat, Nongluck Popichit, Jirusth Sirasirirusth and Jirawat Anuwichanont |

| Marketing Innovation of Walking Street Entrepreneurs Aiming at Thai and Foreign Tourists: Case Studies of Chiangmai and Phuket Province in Thailand Paiboon Archarungroj, Sirivan Serirat, Panisa Mechinda, Jirawat Anuwichanont, Nongluck Popichit and Supada Sirikudta |

| Healing Gardens: Creating a Living Space in Shani Mootoo’s “In a Garden of Her Own” Chuen-shin, Tai |

| The influence of ECFA on dependence change between Taiwan and Chinese stock markets Jeff T.C. Lee and Ya-Wen Liang |

| A Novel Design of a Light Curtain Tail Lamp Irfan Kamaş, Ezgi Satir, Can Gürsoy, Cenk Yavuz, Özhan Özkan and Ceyda Aksoy Tirmikçi |

| Prediction of Secondary Structures of Proteins Using Clonal Selection Algorithm Burcu çarkli Yavuz and Nilüfer Yurtay |

| Integrating Tobacco Control Topics Into Teaching in Nursing Care of Persons with Mental Health Problem Vimolpun Nitipong |

| Productivity and Efficiency of the Public Relations Department Region 4 in Thailand Panida Jongsuksomsakul |

| Understanding Elections in Armenia: Voting as a Rational Decision Anahit Gharibyan |

| Challenges in the Reorganization of Public Enterprises in Kosovo Bahri Hyseni |

| Themes in the Garfield Comic Napat Chinnawong |