| The Heat Transfer Analysis of Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger Used for Energy Recovery Application: A Case Study Ali Celen, Emre Aslan, Pınar Celen, Alican Çebi and Ahmet Selim Dalkılıç |

| Learning Outcomes Towards Thai Qualification Framework for Higher Education of Public Health Students: Sirindhorn College of Public Health, Yala Thailand Anchalee Pongkaset, Kamonwan Wanichanon, Suchat Sungkaew and Tawee Dammin |

| Necessary Cultural Competence of Pharmacists Who Work in Health Care Offices in Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat Provinces Arunothai Derramon |

| Confirmation of the Aseba Eight-Syndrome Model of Adult Psychopathology in a Sample of Bilingual Canadian University Students Yann Le Corff, Éric Yergeau, Mathieu Busque-Carrier, Karine Forget, Catherine Proulx-Bourque, Annie Roy-Charland, Annabel Levesque and John Tivendell |

| Globalization and Social Policy Ertuğrul Yuvalı |

| Primary School Students Choice of Nutrition in Turkey: Duzce Case Study Sevda Arslan and Özlem Altınbaş Akkaş |

| Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Pressure Drop Phenomenon in Channels Aydın Hacı Dünmez, Yakup Karakoyun and Zehra Yumurtacı |

| Soft Computing in Healthcare Güney Gürsel |

| The Effects of Using E-comments From Microsoft Office to Enhance Graduate Studentsʼ Writing Revision Pham Vu Phi Ho |

| Emotional Intelligence and Perceived Stress Among Healthcare Students: A Multi-Professional Survey Tabinda Hasan |

| Integration in General Music Education Ïlhan Özgül |

| Family Homes and University Studentsʼ Reactions to Accomodation Facilities in Lagos Nigeria Bola F. Ogunbodede |

| Poverty and the Fight Against Poverty in Turkey Seher Cesur-Kılıçaslan and Toprak Işık(Erdal Kılıçaslan) |

| Elementary School Studentsʼ Understanding of Different use of Letters in Algebra Makbule Gozde Didis |

| Analysis of the Structural Relationship Among Variables Affecting Academic Achievement in an e-Learning Environment Hwa-Young Yu, Eugene Lim and Ki-Han Lee |

| The Past Shapes the Present: The Anxiety of Cultural Memory in Wannusʼ Historical Miniatures Essam Hegazy |

| Multiculturalism Among the Students of Azerbaijan Medical University Alishir V. Musayev and Sadagat G. Guliyeva |

| The Investigation on Science Teachersʼ Attitudes Towards Their Profession in Turkey in Terms of Some Demographic Characteristics Ayşem Seda Önen, Canan Altundağ and Fatma Merve Mustafaoğlu |

| Peer Instruction in Teaching of History Abdullah Körhasan |

| Report Practices of Confirmatory Factor Analysis Results of Turkish Doctoral Dissertations Oktay Mercimek |

| Albania and Albanians in the Travel Stories of American Travelers at the Beginning of the 20th Century Elda Talka and Marsida Dedja |

| Assessment Issues at Language Lessons Gulbaniz Jamalova |

| Lotfi Aliaskerzadeh: The Theory of Fuzzy Logic and the Purpose of Its Application in Educational Institutions Leyla Mustafayeva |

| The Sector of Manufacturing, Trading and Services Affecting Gross Domestic Product in Thailand Mongkon Donkwa |

| An Exploration and Comparison of Studentsʼ and Their Teacherʼs Attributions of Success and Failure in Language Learning Eda Kahyalar and Figen Yılmaz |

| New Trends in Georgiaʼs Population and Labor Resources Territorial Mobility Mirian Tukhashvili |

| Online Advertising: How Alcohol Companies use Facebook Fanpage to Promote Their Products Natwipa Sinsuwarn |

| More Than Thai Television Drama Theme Songs: How Catchy Lyrics Expand Music Industry Charlin Nukul |

| Political Interference and Racial Discrimination in Sports in South Africa Jan Daniël Naude Van Der Westhuizen |

| Safety of Saccharine Aslı Uçar and Serkan Yılmaz |

| Sustainable Development in Family Businesses: A Case Study From Turkey Aylin Poroy Arsoy and Tuba Bora |

| Financial Reporting Quality and Sustainability Information Disclosure: Evidence from Turkey Aylin Poroy Arsoy, Yasemin Ertan and Tuba Bora |

| Performance of Corporate Governance Index in Terms of Risk and Return: Case of Turkey Değer Alper and Ebru Aydoğan |

| Examining the Relationship Between CSR and Firm Performance of Companies Listed in Istanbul Stock Exchange Ebru Aydoğan and Değer Alper |

| Business Continuity in Financial Reporting and Independent Auditing Standards in Turkey Alp Aytaç and Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu |

| Studies on Corporate Sustainability and Legislative Regulations in Turkey Alp Aytaç and Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu |

| The Structure of Organizational Behavior Field: A Multidimensional Scaling Study (1965-2015) Füsun Çınar Altıntaş and Ceyda Kavurmacı |

| Role of the Business Schools in Spreading Business Ethics in Turkey Başak Aydem Çiftçioğlu and Olcay Bektaş |

| Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Friction STIR Welded 6061-O Aluminum Alloys Nahit Öztoprak, Hüseyin Tarık Serindağ, Çınar Emine Yeni and Binnur Gören Kıral |

| Closed Loop Control of a single Link Flexible Manipulator with Velocity Feedback Şahin Yavuz and Hira Karagülle |

| Investigation of Tensile Behavior of Woven Carbon, Glass and Hybrid Fiber Composites Mete Han Boztepe, Cagri Uzay and Melih Bayramoglu |

| Bayesian Networks for Predicting Software Effort Parag C. Pendharkar and Girish H. Subramanian |

| Comparing the Usefulness of Net Income Versus Comprehensive Income in Terms of Firm Performance: Borsa Istanbul Case Merve Acar and Semra Karacaer |

| The Evaluation of the Performance from the Perspective of the Total Quality Management in the Public and Private Hospital Nada Hassan Abdelgadir and Mohamed Hassan Hafiz |

| Impact of Weather Condition on Human Health Majlinda Muka and Indrit Kellici |

| Good Faith and Fair Dealing in Employment: A Case Comparison of Canadian and U. S. Law Mary-Kathryn Zachary |

| Evaluating the Technical Performance of the Long Jump Competition Using High and Reid Model for Qualitative Analysis Laila Gamal Mehany Youssef |

| The Analysis of the Influence of Television Advertisements on the Kids: ‘Koton Kids’ Advertisement Sample Hediye Aydogan and Betül Akbulutgiller |

| Experiments in the Development of Science Process Skills of Preschool Children Nilüfer Okur Akçay |

| Brand Experience, Brand Tribalism, and Brand Loyalty: A Case of Amway Business Owners in Thailand Oranich Kumgliang and Anon Khamwon |

| Brand Community, Brand Love, and Word of Mouth: A Case of Surin Silk Brand Hathairat Nirassoongnoen and Anon Khamwon |

| Where Is the Street? Exploring the Street Visualized by the Guerrilla Advertising G. Senem Gençtürk Hızal |

| Criterion Validity of the Adult Self-Report: A Comparison Between Clinical and Non-Clinical Samples Yann Le Corff, Éric Yergeau, Karine Forget, Zeineb Hamza, Andréanne Dion, Catherine Proulx-Bourque, Annie Roy-Charland, John Tivendell and Annabel Levesque |

| On the Authenticity of Corporate Risk Disclosures Fred Pries and Megan House |

| From Engineering to Mathematics Teaching: Initial Perceptions of Mathematical Understanding Yael Furman Shaharabani and Ira Raveh |

| The Effect of Heat Sterilization on Cyclic Fatigue of NITI Flexmaster Root Canal Files Mehmet Yolagiden and Cumhur Aydin |

| Estimation of Water Scarcity in Basins of Turkey Olgu Aydin, İhsan Çiçek, Necla Türkoğlu, Ülkü Eser Ünaldi and Neşe Duman |

| J.S. Mill’s View on Gender Equality: A Re-examination Madhumita Mitra |

| Perceived Importance of Ergonomics Factors for Educational Quality in Computer Laboratories Hüseyin Karadere |