| Environmental Art in the Nuclear Anthropocene Eve Andrée Laramée |

| The Role of ‘ISEM’ in the Ritual Performance of Kuda Kepang Mabuk (KKM) (A Horse Dance) Mohd Kipli Bin Abdul Rahman |

| Condition of the Bone in Yala Municipality, Yala Province, Thailand Kamonwan Wanitchanon |

| Promoting Learning with ICT Integrated Teaching Tecnam Yoon |

| The Research of the Potential of Manganese Containing Materials- Mn(NO 3 ) Derived from Industrial Waste to Increase the Fertility of Wetland Soils Marine Shavlakadze, Giorgi Mekhrishvili, Goga Chakhaia and Shorena Kupreishvili |

| A New Method for Analysis of Chicago Sky Blue in Aqueous Solutions Based on Cloud Point Extraction Prior to Spectrophotometric Determination Dönay Yuvalı and Ibrahim Narin |

| On Some Generalized Integral Inequalities for Functions Whose Second Derivatives Value Are Convex Erhan Set and Alper Ekinci |

| Mechanical Behavior Analysis of Nano Materials Dopped Fiber Glass Composite Mustafa Özgür Öteyaka |

| Reducing the Adverse Effects of Hydropower Plants on Environment by Using Environmental Flow Assessment Methodologies Yakup Karakoyun, Aydın Hacı Dönmez and Zehra Yumurtaci |

| An Exploration of Causal Factors Influencing Pathologies and Foot Deformities of Elderly People in Romania Dana Corina Deselnicu, Gheorghe Militaru and Ana Maria Vasilescu |

| Cross-Cultural Short Fiction by Non-Native English Speakers Heightens Awareness and Sensitivity Among Second-Year International Students in Dubai Mary L. Tabakow |

| Radial Rolling Bearing Selection Using AHP and Copras Under Fuzzy Environment Prasun Chakraborty and Kishan Choudhury |

| Indoor Quality Analysis of CO for Kastamonu University Mehmet Cetin and Hakan Sevik |

| Undergraduate Science Teacher Education Students’ Perceptions of Mathematics Courses Lutfi Incıkabı and Mehmet Koray Serin |

| A Comparative Research on Perceptions of Future Sustainable Transport Interventions Among Different Groups in Turkey Can Bıyık, Miles Tight and Michael Burrow |

| Importance of Peer Interaction in Physics Learning Nilüfer Didiş Körhasan |

| A Model for Integrating Learning Technologies via Multimedia Development Fisik Sean Buakanok |

| Middle School Science Teachers’ Knowledge About Science Teaching Program: Case of Kastamonu Murat Pektas and Lutfi Incikabi |

| An Interpreter Program for a Programming Language Written in Java Octavian Nicolio |

| Financial Literacy and Financial Outcomes: Evidence from University Employees Selda Coşkuner and Arzu Şener |

| Interrelations Between High School Students’ Academic Motivation and Metacognitive Awareness Fatma Alkan |

| The Investigation on Cognitive Flexibility Levels of High School Students in Terms of Self-Efficacy Beliefs Fatma Merve Mustafaoğlu and Ayşem Seda Önen |

| Undergraduate Students’ Use of Metacognitive Strategies While Reading Neslihan Kose and Firdevs Gunes |

| The Crystal-Field Effects on the Dynamic Phase Diagrams in Ferromagnetic Mixed Spin (3/2,) Bilayer System: The Mean-Field Theory and Glauber-Type Stochastic Dynamics Mehmet Ertaş, Yusuf Koçak and Mustafa Keskin |

| Better Way to Deliver Engineering Freshmen Labs: Project Based or Instructional Lab Based? Gloria Ma and Jiahui Song |

| Privatizing Landfills: The Case of Consolacion, CEBU, Philippines Janet A. Pontevedra, Lolita Velita, Corazon Anzano, Elisa Magnase and Emmylou Llorca |

| Mapping and Evaluating Pedagogical Opportunities Provided by Simreal+: A Case Study in Mathematics Education Said Hadjerrouit |

| The Views of Secondary School Administration About the Management of Cultural Differences in Their School Esen Altunay and Pınar Alkan |

| Investigating the Relationship Between Organizational Justice and OCB in Public Libraries of Razavi Khorasan Maryam Nikookar, Mohsen Nowkarizi and Atefeh Sharif |

| Online Marketing: Directly Connected and Instantly Served People Rattikan Jenjad |

| Alternatives in the Same Box: How Advertising Agencies Win Over Their Clients Ploy Srisuro |

| An Institutional Readiness to Become an Entrepreneurial University Teboho Pitso |

| Factors Influencing Perceptions of Healthy Eating of University Students Esma Asil and Aslı Uçar |

| Print the Legend; The Hollywood Frontier Editor Kim Allen Scott |

| The Evaluation of the Geographical Location of Hattusa in Terms of Being the Capital of Hittite Empire Turgut Yigit |

| Mobile Technology Challenging Formal Higher Education: Towards a New Vision of Teaching and Learning a Language Nadia Kies |

| The Effects of Pressure Deformation on Surface Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of SAE008 Steel Gökçe Mehmet Gençer and Fatih Kahraman |

| Co-Movement Among US, Frontier and Bric Equity Markets After the Financial Crisis Amanjot Singh and Manjit Singh |

| Estimation of Population Mean for Sensitive Variable Using Exponential Estimator: An Application to Business Data Nursel Koyuncu |

| Life Skills for Preventing Drug Abuse in Sirindhorn College of Public Health Yala Students Manopporn Pedmetha |

| Investigating Transient Nature of Discretionary Accruals in the Financial Sector: Loan Loss Allowances Versus Loan Loss Provisions Merve Acar and Mustafa Omer Ipcı |

| Implications of Unresolved Soft-Issues on Employee Commitment and Satisfaction During Post-Merger Integration Anjali Bansal |

| Displaying Feedback in Academic Writing Classes Using Blackboard Laurence Craven |

| Fluency and Dysfluency in Same-Sex Interactions: Preliminary Results Robert W. Long III |

| Business Process Design and Enterprise Resource Planning System Development in Virtual Office Sakauwrat Jongpattanakorn |

| Causes for Variation and Seasonality of Trihalomethanes in Two Adjacent Water Reservoirs in İstanbul Sinan Güneysu and Hüseyin Öztürk |

| Pipeline Geopolitics: The Case of Turkey Goknil Erbas Dogan |

| Online Marketing of Sporting Goods and Analysis of the Buying Behaviors of University Students Erkut Tutkun, İsmail Polat, Şerife Vatansever and Şenay Şahin |

| Effect of Problem-Based Learning on nd Year Dental Public Health Students’ Learning and Perception in Individual Preventive Dentistry Kwanjit Pongrattanamarn and Parichat Utaipan |

| Promotion of Consumer Protection on Health Products in Schools Regarding Their Problems and Requirement Parichat Utaipan |

| Air and the Visual: The Imagery of the Air in Eduardo Chillida’s Sculpture The Comb of the Wind of977 Mei-Hsin Chen |

| Integrating Communities of Practice Framework into Pre-Service Teacher Education Hatice Akkoç |

| Educational Journal Publishing in Turkey Mustafa Güçlü and Ahmet Şahan |

| Monitoring, Communication, and Control Systems for Photovoltaic Power Plants Meric Cetin and Engin Cetin |

| Spatial Modelling of the Precipitation in Turkey: A Geostatistical Approach Olgu Aydin, Necla Türkoğlu, Ohsan Çiçek and Neşe Duman |

| Genotoxicity Assessment of Soil Heavily Contaminated with Trace Metals by Application of Allium and Tradescantia Bioassays Asta Stapulionytė, Skaistė Bondzinskaitė, Violeta Kleizaitė, Donatas Žvingila, Raimondas Šiukšta, Tatjana Čėsnienė and Ričardas Taraškevičius |