| Augmented Body Stefano Di Tore and Francesca D’elia |

| The Paradoxical Phenomena in the Force of Imagery Mustafa Özodaşık |

| Net.Readymades Lin Hsin-I |

| The Effectiveness of Suinn Program to Reduce the Anxiety for Athletes From Special Needs Aziz Al-Rahamneh |

| Population Growth, Structure and Distribution in Saudi Arabia Majed Sultan Abu Ashwan, Asharaf Abdul Salam and Mohamed A. Mouselhy |

| The Anaylsis of News in Turkish Press Concerning Violence Against Women Başak Solmaz and H. Nur Görkemli |

| Face-Threatening Acts in the British and Georgian Parliamentary Debates Nana Gilauri |

| Of DuBois the Historicist and Cultural Critic of the Progressive Age Zerar Sabrina and Riche Bouteldja |

| On the Power of Belief in Treating Addiction Candice L. Shelby |

| The Legacy of the Lascaux Man in the Well Marie-Thérèse Killiam |

| Code-Switching in Kurdish SMS Text Messages Mohammed Hussein Ahmed and Ayad Hameed Mahmood |

| India and the European Union: Multiculturalism and Contested Identities. Cultures of Governance and Conflict Resolution Gautam Murthy |

| Public vs. Private Ownership Revisited: The Monmouth Park Racetrack Case Wayne Smeltz |

| A Study of Everyday Communications of Isan Workers in Bangkok City Wirat Wongpiununwatana |

| The Plausible Proof in Turkish and German Civil Law Hakan Albayrak |

| Comparative Analysis of Ski Trail Rating in Serra da Estrela (Portugal) and Sierra Nevada (Spain) Raul Ressano Garcia |

| Being Gay in Mexico in the Early Years of the 21 st Century: Style Relationship of Gay Men Belonging to Three Different Generations Living in Mexico in the Early Years of the 21 st Century Edgar Rodríguez Sánchez, Julio A. Valencia Maldonado and Tania I. Hernández Mondragón |

| Positive Aspects of Disasters Keith Lehrer |

| The Relationship Between Positive Mental Health and Psycho-Social Variables Hyunjung Kim, Seoyoon Lee and Young-Gun Ko |

| The Impact of (Mis)Anchoring in Creating a Difference In/Different Meaning(s) Yasser K. R. Aman |

| The Need for a New Testament Barrie Wilson |

| Female Eroticism and the Social (Re)Development of Identity Sarah Dayanna Lacerda Martins Lima and Kadma Marques Rodrigues |

| Religion and Democracy in Nigeria Emeka C. Ekeke |

| Pilot Study of a Translation and Cultural Adaptation of the Anger Disorders Scale: Short Version Aída Mencía-Ripley, Juan E. Fernández Melo, Louis Mora, Wilson McDermutt, Bonnie Thurston-Snoha and Patricio Romero |

| Can Human Beings Remain “Uncontaminated” by the Invasion of Rhinoceros? Ileana Mihaela Chiriţescu |

| The Role of Subway in the Urban Life: Case Study in Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway Tianjiao Zhao and Kin Wai Michael Siu |

| Measuring Social Vulnerability from Risk Perception Case Study: The Nonoalco-Tlatelolco Housing Complex Damaged During the Mexican 1985 Major Earthquake David A. Novelo-Casanova, Yadhira A. Antonio-Nakamura, Verónica Valdés-Pérez and Gustavo Pineda-Loperena |

| The Architecture, Fashion and Modernity Seyedehmaryam Tavasoli and Leila Ahghari |

| Factors on Local Wisdoms on Agricultural Knowledge Transfer of Farmers: A Study in Thailand Pakkapong Poungsuk, Nawarat Pourpan and Phaitoon Thongsuk |

| The Philosophy of Postmodernism and Modernism: The Parallels Roida Rzayeva Oktay |

| Epic Expression in Modern Turkish Painting Neslihan Öztürk |

| Arab Women: No Longer Silent, But Can they Guarantee Rights for Themselves? Sana Sayed |

| Kubad Abad Palace Tiles Decorated with the Peacock Figure Mine Erdem |

| Possible Effects of the Leaders on Voter’s Preferences Orhan Gökce and Yasin Bulduklu |

| Outlook of Society to Turkish Armed Force (TAF) in Turkey: An Emprical Study Gülise Gökce |

| The Eradication of Drug Trafficing in the EU Throuh the Countries of the Western Balkans Sofka Hadjijevska, Stefan Budjakoski and Natasha Todorovska |

| Cognitive Effects of the Use of Television and Internet Paulo Duarte Branco and Maria Barbas |

| Organized Crime as a Threat to Sustainable Development and Human Security Lucia Ovidia Vreja |

| Postmodernism and Islam: Epistemological Challenges and Sociopolitical Perils Emad Bazzi |

| Cosmopolitan Perspectives on Globalization Phenomenon Mihai Valentin Vladimirescu |

| Bioethical Issues within a Social Document of the Romanian Orthodox Church Mihai Ciurea |

| Corruption in Central Asian Countries: Challenges to Security and Effective Governance Sharofiddin Soliev |

| ‘Our Sole Weapons… are our Children’: Bourgeois Greek Feminists and the Inter-War Vision of a Peaceful ‘Balkan Family’ Maria Kyriakidou |

| Political Affiliation and Tax Compliance in Malaysia Mohd Rizal Palil, Nor Hazila Mohd Zain and Sellywati Mohd Faizal |

| Professionalism of the Public Procurement Practitioners from the Perspective of Fight Against Corruption Anatoly Krivinsh |

| Wildlife Assessment in the ARS and UDG of Kuwait Ouhoud Al-Ragam and Afaf Al-Nasser |

| Dialects and Paradigms of Social Construction of Knowledge Ahu Tunçel and Güncel Önkal |

| Chances and Risks of Cycle Infrastructure Development in Wroclaw Based on the Solutions of Selected European Cycle City - Copenhagen Aleksandra Lukaszewicz |

| State of the Development Agencies in Turkey: The Challenge of Capacity Building at the Regional Level Can Umut Çiner |

| Stickiness of Local Government Transfer Revenues in Slovenia Primož Pevcin |

| (Re)Defining New Audience Message Absorbs Via Audio Visual Technology Meaning Making Components Mohd. Nor Shahizan Ali, Hasrul Hashim and Novel Lyndon |

| Public Relations in Hospitals: A Study on the Organizational Structures and Functions of Public Relations Units of Private Hospitals in Konya Province Mehmet Erhan Summak |

| Push Factors Affecting Allocations of Excess Profit in the Community Mongkon Donkwa |

| Recipes for Migrants: A Cultural Analysis of the Fujian Spring Cake Yiu Chung Soo |

| The Construction of Minority Identities in Interwar Romania: The Case of Hungarians Luminiţa Ignat-Coman |