| Nutrient Management for Organic Native Bittergourd and Tomato Production Jonathan L. Galindez and Fe L. Porciuncula |

| Short-Term Appraisal of Heavy Metal Contents in Commercial Inorganic Fertilizers Blended and Marketed in Nigeria F. Ukpabi Chibueze and O.K. Ndukwe |

| Growth Response of Terminalia Superba (Engl.& Diels) Seedlings to Mycorrhiza, Watering Regime and Light Intensity A.O. Akinyele and G.I. Dada |

| Effect of Shade and Water Stress on Early Growth and Biomass Accumulation of Tiama Mahogany (Entandrophragma Angolense (WELW.) C. DC) Seedlings Samuel Olajuyigbe and Adewale Agbo-Adediran |

| Effect of Incubation Period of Tilled Soil on Its Physical Properties and the Yield of Discorea alata Linn in Abakaliki Southeast Nigeria I. I. Ekpe, E. N. Ogbodo, N. R. Idam, M. O. Nwaigwe and D. Bashir |

| Making Vector Algebra Come Alive in the Classroom Andriy Didenko, David Allison and Gary Miller |

| Integration of Hybrid Collectors in the Building K. Touafek, A. Khelifa, I. Tabet, H. Haloui, H. Bencheikh El Houcine and M. Adouane |

| The Effect of Rampant Use of Electric Generator on the Health of Small Scale Industry Owners Along Katsina Road in Kano City, Nigeria Ali Garba, Hamisu Mohammed Suleiman and Danladi Yusuf |

| A Study of Furniture Design Incorporating Living Organisms With Particular Reference to Biophilic and Emotional Design Criteria Nurul ’Ayn Ahmad Sayuti, Carlos Montana Hoyos and Elivio Bonollo |

| Estimation of Ship Exhaust Gas Emissions Levent Bilgili, Ugur Bugra Celebi and Tolga Mert |

| Assessment of Heavy Metal Contaminants in Goat Hides Singed Using Tyre Scraps and the Effect of Cooking on the Metal Concentrations in the Hides Noela Chinyelu Igwemmar, Joy Irobeye Tankwo, Uchenna Emmanuel Okoh and Ngozi Lillian Umedum |

| Synchronization Between Chua and Modified Chua Oscillators With Passive Control Yılmaz Uyaroğlu and Uğur Erkin Kocamaz |

| Study on the Effect of Zinc Salts on Degreening of Ipomoea Aquatica Leave Puree Bidyut Mazumdar and Seema Keshav |

| Survey on Mapreduce Applications Belal Zaqaibeh, Maged Fakirah, Mohammed Al-Andoli and Ala Marashdh |

| Measurement and Intelligent Processing of Urban Environmental Noise L.P. Sánchez-Fernández, L.A. Sánchez-Pérez, J.J. Carbajal-Hernández and Lucrecia Pérez-Echazabal |

| Pathology Diagnosis of Stone Monuments: A Case Study Lucrecia Pérez-Echazabal, Rocío Hernández-Larriba, L.P. Sánchez-Fernández and Pedro Tejera Garófalo |

| Daily Mitotic Index of the Offsets of Eichhornia Crassipes in Lake Geriyo, Adamawa State and Its Probable Effects on the Plant’s Reproduction and Proliferation Hauwa’u Isa and Nafisatu A. Tukur |

| Comparison of Classification Models for NSL-KDD Dataset for Network Anomaly Detection Amzari Jihadi Ghazali, Waleed Al-Nuaimy, Ali Al-Atabi and Isalinda Jamaludin |

| Analysis of measures recorded with a physics exhibit to show the effect of aerosol and water vapor in the atmosphere Dedalo Marchetti |

| Supporting Digital Scholarship and Individual Curation based on a Meme-and-Cloud-based Personal Knowledge Management Concept Ulrich Schmitt |

| Platforms of Learning: Convergence and Differences from the Open Source to the Owner Marcelo Mendonça Teixeira, Marcelo Brito Carneiro Leão, Josival dos Santos Silva, Ivaldir Honório de Farias Júnior, Fábio Lopes Bione, William Menezes, Joel Alves de Lima Júnior and Eduardo Lima |

| The Relationship Between Information Technology Strategic Planning and the Performance of Institution Herdin and Imam Akbar Hairi |

| Go Protection Against Leachate at Tpas Sarimukti Causing Dna Damage in Bone Marrow and Peripheral Blood of Male Rats Anggitaning Kinanti and Ayda Trisnawaty Yusuf |

| Studies of Lipase Production from Halophilic Bacteria Sirilak Namwong, Wimonart Pensuk and Kataket Pentasen |

| Discussing Possible Scenarios for Discovering Association Rules in Distributed Environment Naresh Kumar Nagwani and Shrish Verma |

| Cytological Dilemma on the Prolific Reproduction of Eichhornia Crassipes in Lake Geriyo Adamawa, Nigeria Hauwa’u Isa, Nafisatu A. Tukur and S.M. Tahir |

| Controlling of Strawberry’s Pathogen Colletotrichum sp. by Antagonistic Bacteria Kaltima Phichai |

| Space, Communication and Relationships of Uncertainty Alina Tenescu and Stefan Vladutescu |

| The Characterization of Kuala Tembeling Clay Pottery: form and Cultural Function Zahirah Harun, Asyaari Muhammad, Nor Nazida Awang and Hamidi Abdul Hadi |

| Context Awareness Framework for Customized U-Medical Services Taijong Kim and Mincheol Kim |

| Isolation, Identification and Mycotoxin Production of Some Mycoflora of Dried Stockfish (Gadus Morhua) Akin Olagoke Ogunleye and Grace A. Olaiya |