| The World Bank Group in the Baltic States: Transition, Accession, Crisis Adrian Robert Bazbauers |

| A Model for the Adoption of Social Networking Applications in Organizations Kenneth A. Griggs and Rosemary Wild |

| Physical Activity and Health Gregory Colman and Dhaval Dave |

| Will We May, Learn and Be Able to Think? Men and Mechanisms: Vannevar Bush, Theodor Nelson and Us Diana Pimentel |

| Revising Attitudes to Physical Reality: Quantum Physics and Visual Art Lynden Stone |

| Advanced Construction Process for Modern Nuclear Power Plants Ahmed Konsowa, Ayman Mosallam and Ehab Hanafi |

| Does Culture Reflect Political and Societal Events? Karen Johnston-Ashton |

| Life After Lock: Contribution of Friendly Employers and Supervision to Rehabilitation of Freed Prisoners Ronit Peled-Laskov and Gidon Bialer |

| Personality, Communication Apprehension and Facebook: A Study of Well-Being and Relational Closeness Outcomes Zakery R. James and Joseph P. Mazer |

| What are the Reasons for Code-Switching in a Formal Religious Speech? Arfat Awadh Bait Jamil |

| Hate Crimes: A Global Racialistic & Xenophobic Enterprise (A Socio-Lego-Genetical Understanding) Nafees Ahmad |

| Reviving Singaporean-Malay Cultural Identity Through Health Tourism: A Case Study of Traditional Malay Medical Practitioners in Singapore’s Geylang Serai Humairah Bte Zainal |

| Five Disciplines Concerning the Dynamics of Change Roberto Coto |

| Impact of Geographical Indication Adoption on Household Welfare and Poverty Reduction Chuthaporn Ngokkuen and Ulrike Grote |

| Toward a Global Art History: The Case of the Middle East Sjoukje Van Der Meulen |

| Tracking the Pre-Columbian Birdman: An Art Historic Investigation into Findings of a Common Supreme Deity of Civilization, Knowledge and the Arts of Agriculture Sandra Starr |

| Socialization: Psychological Affect on Gender Conflict Within the American Workplace Mark D. Orlando |

| The U.S. “Crisis Presidency”: What Price Security? Marie D. Natoli |

| Saint Sebastian’s Contrapposto – From Renaissance Italy to Renaissance England: Asymmetrical Symmetry in Repose and in Action Ann Dunn |

| A Study of the Relationship Between Organizational Justice and Support and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Seyed Mohammad H. Kamani and Khadigeh Namdari |

| Architectural and Landscape Design: A New Synthesis Major Proposed with Interdisciplinary and General Models Ping Xu |

| Authoritarian Terror and Economic Devastation in Equatorial Guinea: The Dictatorship of Francisco Macías Nguema Biyogo (1968-1979) Michael R. Hall |

| Engaging and Motivating Undergraduate Science Students in a Writing Workshop Designed to Achieve Information Literacy and Professional Level Competence George M. Malacinski and Brian Winterman |

| Education and Class Relations: Canada’s Indigenous People and the Knowledge Society Terry Wotherspoon |

| Female Representation in Latin American Parliaments: Factors that Influence Representation Kimberly S. Adams |

| Do Small Settlements Offer a Sustainable Alternative to the Growing Emergence of Megacities? A Comparison of the Socio-Economic Sustainability of Small Settlements in Europe and Australia Lee Tozzi and Edmund Horan |

| Lack of Correlation Between Distinct University Student Skill Sets Identified by Using a Panel of Assessments: A Two Year Study Andis Klegeris, Manpreet Bahniwal and Heather Hurren |

| Benchmarking to Improve Profitability: The System Archetype Approach Kuan-Chou Chen and Carin Chuang |

| Urban Planning Education in a Democracy with a Market Economy: Learning Economic, Political and Social Skills Dorina Pojani |

| Cultural Encounters Across the Mediterranean Peter R. Alfieri |

| Way to Go: A Graph Mining Based Approach to Record Linkage for Sparse Data Alexander Von Lünen |

| Integration as an Instrument of Developing Food Industry in Small Countries: The Baltic States Dairy Processing Jānis Ozoliņš |

| An Analysis of Work-Family Linkage and Quality of Life Oraphin Choochom and Indranee Pattamacharoen |

| The House that Critical Thinking Built: Blueprint for aporia Stephany Peterson |

| Personal, Political, Scientific and Oriental: Contextualizing Coleridge’s Kubla Khan the New Historicist Way Jalal Uddin Khan |

| Proximal Risk Factors of Severe and Fatal Violence to Victims by Persons with Serious Mental Illness Billy Chan, Teresa Mejia, Maria Shehtman, Omar Khan, Meenu Minhas, Samreen Saad, Nzume Nzuonkwelle and Hirmand Allami |

| Relational Art and the Appropriation of the Public Sphere Michael D. Slaven |

| Post-Colonial States and the Quest for Africa’s Development: An Assessment of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development Evaristus Oshionebo |

| Could Displaced Marginals Co-Exist with Hungry Tigers? A Lyotardian Reading of Amitav Ghosh’s the Hungry Tide Madhusmita Pati and Kailash Nath |

| Impact of Quality Work-Life on Job Performance: A Case Study on Indian Telecom Sector Malini Nandi Majumdar, Debosmita Dawn and Avijan Dutta |

| Ekphrastic Narrative: A Genre Focalizing Image and Text Linda Rader Overman |

| Cognitive Effects of Nicotine in Methamphetamine Users James Bemel |

| How Do Top Management Team Internal Processes Affect Organizational Performance Outcomes? Orhan Volkan Ozbek |

| Sexual Violence Victimisation and Subsequent Problematic Alcohol Use: Examining the Self-Medication Hypothesis Marika Guggisberg |

| Morphology of Central Business District in Warsaw Anna Bocian |

| Promoting Trust in Trusts & Estates Michael R. Siebecker and Lee-Ford Tritt |