| Fitness for Purpose – Examining Post-Secondary English in Malta Doreen Spiteri |

| Modeling of Fuel Cell Energy System for Use in Auv Jerzy Garus |

| Matlab as a Teaching and Learning Tool for Mathematics: A Literature Review M. Abdul Majid, Z. A. Huneiti, W. Balachandran and Y. Balarabe |

| Fuzzy Control of the Fuel Cell Reactant of Autonomic Underwater Vehicles Bogdan Zak and Stanislaw Hożyn |

| Gait Deficiencies in Individuals with Down Syndrome: A Motor Control Perspective with Implications for Pedagogical Intervention Michael Horvat, Ronald Croce and Manuela-Cristina Barna |

| Scaffold Lecturing Methods to Improve English Second Language Science Student Teachers’Academic Performance Thelma de Jager |

| Simple Video Production for Academics Matthew Dean |

| The Science and Art of Community-Engaged Research: . A Mixed Methods Study. E. Anne Marshall, Tricia Roche, Breanna Lawrence and Jennifer Coverdale |

| The Key Component for Educational Advancement: The Student, Family and the Community Nick Young, Lynne Celli, Rick Roque and Neil Gile |

| Intensive Freshman Seminar: A Format for Introducing Incoming Freshman to the Academic/Intellectual Rigor and Social Diversity of a Large Research University George M. Malacinski, Deborah Christiansen and Michael Beam |

| The Impact of Whatsapp on Interaction in an Arabic Language Teaching Course Ibtehal Mahmoud Aburezeq and Fawzi Fayez Ishtaiwa |

| Green "E-Project": The 4-R Survey Of Students’ Ecopreneurship Ratna Lindawati Lubis |

| Vibrational Response of a Gong Tom A. Eppes, Ivana Milanovic and Shiraz Malik |

| Cross Cultural Double Talk: Communication Challenges within Edu-Tourism Susie Ting and Marie-Claire Patron |

| Error Correction in Language Teaching: the Teachers’ Perspective Serkan Ülgü, Carol Griffiths and Irfan Sari |

| Male Nursing Students’ Emotional Intelligence, Caring Behavior and Resilience Dennis Salazar Cuadra and Lily Ferrer Famadico |

| Theatre in Education and Heritage Language: The Case of a Greek Community School in London Aspasia Simpsi |

| Experimental Approach for the Optimum Parameters of Preferred Images Hyung Ju Park and Dong Hwan Har |

| Exploring Computing Frameworks in the Simulation Studies Jaejoo Lim and Young-Gyun Kim |

| Does Reading Strategy Use Correlate with Reading Comprehension of EFL Learners? Mania Nosratinia and Hossein Shakeri |

| The Three Dynamic Levels of DNA Consciousness John K. Grandy |

| Microscale Light Switch for Portable Analysis Gianna Valentino, Eric Mongeau and Yu Gu |

| Socio-Affective Borders in Figurative Language Production John Ivan V. Palagar |

| Scheduling Construction Projects with Multi-Skilled Resources Piotr Jaskowski |

| Minimizing Wall Formwork Cost in Residential Building Construction Slawomir Biruk |

| The Hidden Danger: Unintended Overdose with Prescription Medication Due to Non-Medical Use Marika Guggisberg |

| The Fringe Economy: Predictors of Utilization Among Low- and Moderate-Income Households Marcia A. Shobe, Kameri Christy, Ashley Givens and Yvette Murphy-Erby |

| Hydrothermal Technology of Zeolite Materials Synthesis From Fly Ash Wojciech Franus, Magdalena Wdowin and Malgorzata Franus |

| The Danger of Relativism in Reason Mella R. Mc Cormick and Chris G. Kuchuris |

| Moderating Effect of Oc in the Relationship Between Person Job Fit and Job Satisfaction and Intention to Quit Saqib Ilyas and Delphine Lacaze |

| Stress and Communication (I.E. on Stress in Communication and Communication Under Stress) Longina Strumska-Cylwik |

| Rethinking Waste Disposal Communication in a Third World City Ifeanyi J. Ojobor |

| Rights Entitlements of Children with Disability: Study on Parents’ Awareness in Mumbai, India Prerna Sharma |

| Employing Irony in the Modern Palestinian Novel: Ibrahim Nasrallah as an Example Yasen Kittani |

| Mannequin System of Interactive Smart Body Mapping for Real-Time Cad Pattern Design C. K. Chan, J. Yang, A. Luximon and S. X. Peng |

| Discovery of Discovery in Qualitative Research: Remedial Pedagogy in Graduate Reflexive and Reflective Thinking Dennis E. Winters |

| Rethinking Roma Migration in the Light of Recent Flow of Refugees to Canada From Three Central Eastern European Zsuzsanna Vidra |

| Sexual Harassment of Albanian Women Dorina Zenelaj and Zerina Derveni |

| Putting Adult Back into Adult ESLEducation Nora Jung |

| Code Switching by Teachers in the Second Language Classroom Enoka Makulloluwa |

| Ethnic Interactions in the Aboriginal Restaurants as a Contact Zone: Subjectivity Constructions in Culinary Identification Jou-juo Chu |

| American TV talk shows as sicko circuses of the 21st century Magdalena Piotrowicz |

| Hypothesis, Homology, and Heuristic: What the H Stan Crowder and Brent E. Turvey |

| Post-Colonial Africa in Chinua Achebe’s a Man of the People Al-Assad Omar |

| The Arabic Language and the Role of Mothers in Maintaining it Among Arab Family Immigrants in Chicago Mona Turjoman |

| The Effective Detective: Legal Realism and Legal Formalism in Detective Fiction Joanne Bridget Simpson |

| Best Teaching Practices: Applying Innovative Teaching Methods for Facilitating and Lecturing Sensitive Diversity Dimension Courses and Topics Christopher Hodshire |

| The Impossible Return: The Allegory of Exile in Tsitsi Dangeremba’s Nervous Conditions and Mohamad Dib’s if the Devil Wants Lobna Ben Salem |

| Determinants of Compensation of the Board of Directors in Banks of the Growth Triangle Countries (Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand): Fresh Evidence Logasvathi, Nor Hayati Ahmad and Asish Saha |

| Land Consolidation: An Overall Assessment with Special Reference to the Cyprus Case Mattheos Economides |

| Reconsidering "Al Hakimiyya" in the Islamists’ Political Discourse for a Better Management of Minorities in the Muslim World: A Reference to the Turkish Case Shaimaa Magued Abdel Fattah |

| Development of a Knowledge Base Supporting Pipeline Route Selection Procedure for Natural Gas or Oil Transport Dimitra Papadopoulou, Christina Siontorou and Fragiskos Batzias |

| Influencing Factors for the Adoption of Mobile Office Services: Empirical Investigation Among Sales Workers Jin-Bo Sim and You-Jin Kim |