| Fusing Art and Oral Development of Emergent English Speakers Cornelia G. A. Smith |

| Metacognitive awareness of reading strategies and multiple intelligences in prediction of English reading comprehension with medical junior college students Yen-Ju Hou |

| Bridging Literature Through Students’ Original Artwork: An Experiment in Teaching Elizabeth Kim |

| Assessment in an era of increased social inclusion in higher education Clinton Hayes and Nadine Adams |

| The Impact of Educational Logistics on Entrepreneurial Success in Higher Education Pannarat Wansavatkul |

| The Effectiveness of Phonemic Awareness Instruction to Early Reading Success in Kindergarten Adel T. Al-Bataineh and Siobhan Sims-King |

| Dance and Its Influence on Emotional Self-Control and Regulation and Emotional Intelligence Abilities Among Early Childhood-Aged Children Ofra Walter and Enju Sat |

| EFL Students’ Writing Apprehension Pratin Pimsarn |

| Teaching Business Ethics: Issues, Criticisms, and Recommendations Mark S. Schwartz |

| Industry-School Partnerships: An Ecological Approach Matthew Flynn and Hitendra Pillay |

| Essential Maxims Contributing to New Teacher’s Confidence and Efficiency in the Classroom Sogand Noroozizadeh |

| Distribution of New Crop Pests in North Sulawesi, Indonesia D. T. Sembel, E. M. Meray, C. S. Rante, D. S. Kandowangko, M. Ratulangi and M. F. Dien |

| A Contingency Analysis of How Virtual Learning Environments Function in Distance Teacher Education Lee L Mason, Nancy Glomb and James Barta |

| When Syntax Endures Man’s Enduring was... the Relevance of Faulkner’s ‘Octopus’ Sentence Baya Bensalah |

| DRSABC: Trainee teachers’ experiences with first aid training Christopher Francis Baldwin |

| The Power of Metaphor: Reprogramming and Controlling the Mind Versus Retention of Health and Identity Faith Mishina and Mariah Wharton |

| Students can do Research and can Deliver Strong Bibliographies! Richard J Self |

| Cognitive Development Among Malaysian Children:the Multiple Assessments of Interactive Learning Modules Ahsha Vaksalla and Christopher Hodshire |

| Explaining Success and Failure in Welfare Policy Changes in Europe: Governance, Trust and Legitimacy Attila Bartha |

| Drama in Oman to Improve English Proficiency Among English-Major College Students Rahma Al-Mahrooqi and Mary L. Tabakow |

| The Effect of Particle Size and Concentration of Crumb Rubber on the Rutting and Fatigue Cracking Resistance of Trinidad Lake Asphalt and Petroleum Bitumen Shandelle Hosein, Chris Maharaj, Rean Maharaj and Dimple Singh-Ackbarali |

| Student Perceptions of Online Instruction Brenda L. Shook, Margaret J. Greer and Scott Campbell |

| Developing Language and Teaching Skills Through Videoconferencing and Collaborative Projects: A Case Study of English Teacher Training Programs in Japan Minako Yogi |

| An Investigation Into High School Teachers’ Understanding Of 10Th Grade Students’ Attitudes and Values Toward Physical Activity as a Factor in Physical Education Drop Out Rates and Adolescent Obesity Emilio Landolfi |

| Doing Science Research at an Undergraduate University Sharon L. Gillies and Steven Marsh |

| Lesser Gods of Brazil: Heroes and Excursions into Musical Intelligence, Www.Com and Jazz-Arts Fusion Donnie Lawrence |

| Teaching Media Competence in the Classroom: Television, Advertising and Film Teresa Fernández-Ulloa |

| Kansas’s Twenty-First-Century Monkey Trials and Tribulations: An Examination of the State Board of Education’S Continuing Evolution Vs. Creationism Controversies and the Implications for Science Instruction in the United States Tadeusz Lewandowski |

| Teaching of Religious Education in Iraqi State Schools and the Status of Minorities in Iraq: A Critical Review Lazgin Barany |

| Dungeons of the Heart: How Freud Taught Us to Read Eve A. Hershberger |

| Lipari and the Impact of the European Social Fund Rose Marie Azzopardi |