| From Classroom to Career: Articulating and Operationalizing the Liberal Arts Advantage for the Career Readiness of College Students James Simon, Aaron Perkus and Robbin D. Crabtree |

| Demystifying Academic Reading and Writing Mary Hatakka |

| Cognitive Development, Teaching Methods and Techniques of Foreign Language Learning Tanja Nedimović and Jelena Prtljaga |

| Deformation - Analogical – Metamorphic Approach to the Understanding of Design with Architecture Students Ŏzlem Şenyiğit, Gamze Atay, Altay Çolak and Tolga Uzun |

| Economic Achievements of Hungarian City-Network and its Employment Potential Judit Berkes and Ádám Páthy |

| Consumers’ Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and their Attitude Toward Retailers – Its Significance for Creating Retailers’ Competitive Advantage Magdalena Stefańska and Tomasz Wanat |

| The Information Asymmetry and the Social Responsibility on the Food Market Renata Nestorowicz |

| The Relations between the Internal Communication Conditionings and its Effectiveness Anna Rogala |

| The Determination of Preschool Teachers’ Awareness Related to Shared Reading Hatice Kefeli and Ayşegül Bayraktar |

| Negative Effects of Personalization In Direct Marketing Aleksandra Kaniewska-Sęba and Bogna Pilarczyk |

| Creativity Techniques in Marketing – Managers’ Expertise Compared to its Practical Application Ewa Jerzyk |

| Epicism in Bertolt Brecht’s The Elephant Calf and He Who Says Yes, A Marxist Approach Mona F. Hashish |

| A Fuzzy Logic based Expert System for Quality Assurance of Document Image Collections Roman Graf, Alexander Schindler and Reinhold Huber-Mörk |

| “Surprising” Fountains in 15th Century Sienese Treatises Adriana de Miranda |

| A Hierarchical-Subgrouping Approach for the Determination of Significant Moderators Influencing the Relationship Between Favourable Organizational Climate and Job Attitude: The Reporting of Results (Series 3) Nitin Arora |

| The Study of Acceptance for Hydropower Development in Yom River Basin Varinthorn Boonying, Narongsak Noosorn and Thanach Kanokthet |

| Teaching and Learning Higher-Order Thinking Shouhong Wang and Hai Wang |

| The Influences of Research Environment within a University on Research Productivity of Academic Staff – A Case Study in a Research-Oriented University in Vietnam Quy H. Nguyen and Christopher J. Klopper |

| The Use of Review of System Assessment Guide on the Nursing Students’ Self-Reported Competence, Self-Reported Confidence and Directly-Observed Competence on Health Assessment Genecar G. Pe Benito, Rowena L. Escolar-Chua and Marie Ann Vvargas |

| Prospective Classroom Teachers’ Intentions to Integrate Health Education Across the Curriculum Seidu Sofo, Emmanuel Thompson, Amy Freshwater and Catherine Krebs |

| The Use of Mass Media in Training Brokerage and the Clientele Experience in Nigeria Moshood Ayinde Hassan |

| International Development Cooperation in the Field of Corporate Social Responsibility Institutionalisation Okorochkova Anastasia |

| Occupational Stress and Personality Factors of Substance Abusing Employees of Business Process Outsourcing/Information Technology Sector Madhumita Mohanty and Om Prakash Chowdhury |

| Teacher, It’s Not Cheating – It’s Cooperation! Academic Dishonesty in the Arabian Gulf Kathy O’Sullivan |

| English Langugae Learner Remediation through an Adaptive Learning Platform Virginia McCormack |

| Foucauldian Panopticism: The Attitudes of Pre-Service English Teachers in ELT Department Towards Learner-Centered and Teacher-Centered Approach Dilek Tufekci Can |

| Active Vibration Control of Automobile Chassis by Optimal Hydraulic Controller R. Venkatachalam and A. Bala Raju |

| Game Design Principles and Motivation Aimee Oxarart, Jennifer Weaver, Adel Al-Bataineh and Mohamed T. Al Bataineh |

| Servant Leadership in Finance – Contradiction or Symbiosis? Karl Zehetner and Peter Steinkellner |

| Improvisation as a Viable Strategy for Architectural Composition. Control, Chance and Choice in Contemporary Creativity Agnieszka Rumież |

| The Three Neurogenetic Phases of Human Consciousness: The Possibility of Transhuman and Posthuman Consciousness John K. Grandy |

| A Time Series Analysis of the Determinants of Domestic Private Investment in Iraq (1970-2010) Jwan S. Hussein and James K.A. Benhin |

| Risk Management in Public Expenditure Management and Aid – A Comparison of the World Bank and Government of Malaysia under the Educational Sector Support Project (ESSP) Sulaiman Aris |

| Components of Remuneration and Employee Satisfaction: The Impact of Effort Rewards and Career Advancement Abdelhadi Naji |

| The Four Eastern European Countries’ Democratic Political Systems and their Executives Kasim Karagoz and Saban Akca |

| Learning through Student Created, Content Videos Henry Greene |

| Potential of Robotic Mannequin System and Digital Body-Mapping for Apparel Industry C.K. Chan, J. Yang and A. Luximon |

| Construction of Collocations in the Writing of Postgraduate Students Firooz Namvar and Noraini Ibrahim |

| Strategies for Education Reform Anwar Dawood and Juliette Hirst |

| Developing the Right Reading Comprehension Modules for the Right Reason with the Help of Reads Lin Siew Eng, Abdul Rashid Mohamed, Shaik Abdul Malik Mohamed Ismail and Muhammad Javed |

| Religion and its Impact Upon Purchase Behavior: A Study of Indian Consumers Sujata Khandai, Bhawna Agarwal and Shweta Bajpai |

| Housing Stability Determinants as Informed by Previously Homeless Individuals: Having a Roof is only the Beginning Andreas E. Tomaszewski, Tracy L. Powell, Sonya L. Jakubec and Joseph Osuji |

| Types of Grammar Errors Foundinthai Efl Students’ Business Writing Tanom Tiensawangchai |

| Factors Affecting Graduate Students’ Decisions To Drop Out Pracharee Amartayakul |

| Gender Identification in Some Plover using CHD Gene Supattra Poeaim, Nichapat Chobarporn, Krairat Eiamampai, Somchai Nimnuan and Thiti Sornsa |

| Didactic Substantiation for the use of Critical Thinking Methods in the Chemistry Course of Medical Education Irina Kazuša |

| Ethics, Globalization and Cultural Disintegration Blaine T. Garfolo and Barbara L’Huillier |

| The Specifics of Teaching Architecture at an International Chinese-UK University Ganna Andrianova |

| Online Frontiers in Education: Leadership’s Role Sandra Lee Gupton |

| The Impact of a System-Wide Community College Professional Development Program on Pedagogical Practice: An Assessment of Faculty Perspectives Yvonne Williams-McMillan and Gregory M. Hauser |