| Exporting Motivations: Differences between Manufacturing SMEs Operating within Emerging and Advanced Markets Yousif Abdullah Alrashidi |

| Competitive Advantage based on CSR in Supply Chains–Suppliers about Retailers Strategy Magdalena Stefańska |

| Determinants of Capital Structure: Evidence from Thai Lodging Companies Supawadee Pattweekongka and Kulkanya Napompech |

| Medieval Female Body Politics in Chaucerian Hagiography: A Case Study of the Physician’s Tale Pınar Taşdelen |

| Factors Affecting Ready-to-Drink Murrah Milk Consumption in Bangkok Metropolitan Sirijanya Kuawiriyapan |

| Informal Mentoring by Teachers: Strategies to Increase Student Engagement in Secondary Learners at Risk Miles O’Shea |

| Writing Poetry as an Innovative Approach for Learning the Details of Complex Molecular Biology Phenomena George M. Malacinski and Brian Winterman |

| A General Outlook on Turkish Banking for the Recovery Phase of Global Crisis Celal Taşçı |

| Challenges in the Application of Smart Power and Public Diplomacy in European Union - People’s Republic of China Relations Marco Antonio Baptista Martins |

| Impacting Generation Z through a Medicine Summer Program for Youth at the University of Toronto Dani Sarkis, Artur K. Jakubowski, Hannah Roche, James Y. Lau, Nancy C. Fortin, Paolo Rivera, Tim Clarke, Hong Si and Chris J. Perumalla |

| Psychological Correlates of Succumbing to the Temptation of Appropriation Someone Else’s Property Karolina Dobrosz-Michiewicz |

| Caravaggio the Knight of Malta: Trading Art for a Manslaughter Charge J. Martin Giesen |

| The Changing Status and Subjectivity of the Aborigines in Taiwan’s Labor Markets Jou-Juo Chu |

| The Faces of Intertextuality in the Literary Analysis: A Reappraisal Aleksandra Tryniecka |

| On the Fragment, the Worn, the Twisted, and the Aesthetics of the Non-Complete Amos Bar-Eli |

| National Identity Constructions in Māra Zālīte’s and Pauls Bankovskis’s Writing Sandra Meškova |

| Maya Ying Lin’s Design: While Enduring Much Criticism and Debate, the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial has Created a Lasting, Influential Dialogue about Honor and Public Art for Future Generations Claudine Perreault |

| The Sadomasochistic Serial Killer Protagonist in the Killer Inside Me Ebru Ceker |

| Marketing Excellence: Myth or Reality in Oman Faustino Taderera, Said Al-Nabhani, Vibha Bhandari, Paul Sundar Kirubakaran, Hanan Hamood Abdullah Al Rahbi, Godwell Karedza, Mike Sikwila and Suja Sundaram |

| Homo Postmillennicus Wieslaw T. Watroba |

| Phenomenon of Conscience in Ancient Greek Epos (After Homer’s “Illiad” and “Odyssey”) Shorena Barbakadze |

| The Differences among Groups of People in the Adoption Behavior of E-Commerce in Bangkok Thailand Wornchanok Chaiyasoonthorn and Watanyoo Suksangiam |

| Media Bias: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Representation of the Egyptian Army in The New York Times Mohamed Mohamed Mostafa El-Nashar |

| Sales Objections: Sources and Effects on Performance in Nigerian Life Insurance Industry Ayodele C. Oniku |

| Analysis of U2’s Concert Performance Location Choice: Application of an Adapted Gravity Model Joel I. Deichmann |

| Internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises: A Multi-Case Study of the Thai Food Sector Sakda Siriphattrasophon |

| Translating Contemporary Worship Songs into Polish: Word-for-Word, Sense-for-Sense or Adaptation? Jadwiga Suwaj |

| The Role of Assessment in Shaping Employee Attitudes – A Case Study of a Public University in Poland Karolina Zofia Kapuscinska |

| Moral/Ethical Analysis of Performance Enhancement in Sports Sandra McCalla and Neil Shepherd |

| Why Do We Share Information Online? A Study of Motivations Yifat Belous |

| Virginia Woolf’s Divergent Hospitality or Clarissa Dalloway’s Struggle for Female Self Reliance Olga Eliya Krochak Sulkin |

| Human Trafficking: Assumptions, Evidence, Responses Natalya Timoshkina |

| Examining Work Environment Practices as a Resource for Internationally Educated Nurses’ (IENs) Integration Ndolo Njie-Mokonya and Etowa Josephine |

| Conservation of Omani Archaeological Sites, Harat Al Bilad – A Case Study Soheir Mohamed Hegazy |

| Fuseli’s Nightmare - Psychological, Medical and Physiological Findings Rachel Scharf |

| Art in Street: The Significant Role of using the Art, Literature and Humor in the Gezi Resistance Erdem Çolak |

| Optimizing Leadership and Business Performance: Organizational Development Themes Seen through the Lens of Classical Viennese Music JoAnna Rakowski and Maggie Mongan |

| The Logic of Uniqueness - Five Underlying Principles in Ibn Taymiyya’s Critique of Aristotelian Logic Mashhad Al-Allaf |

| Cosmopolitan Appeal: What Makes a City Attractive to Expatriates? Arno Haslberger and Karl Zehetner |

| The Organization and Perfomance of Igba Ijele Cultural Music of Ifite Oraifite Community in Anambra State, Nigeria Ojukwu V. Ebele and Esimone C. Chinyere |

| Polish and American Religious Right Movements in the Perspective of Secularization, Privatization and Deprivatization of Religion Theories Paulina Napierala |

| Between Identity and Integration, Assimilation, and Simulation: Home, Belonging, and Displacement in Contemporary German and Turkish-German Literature Christine Anton |

| Resisting Hegemony: Strategies for Intellectual Dialogue on Race and Cultural Diversity in the Classroom R. Dianne Bartlow and Florence Kyomugisha |

| Mental Health in the Elderly Claudia Chaves, Joao Duarte, Cristiano Ferreira, Joana Duarte, Joana Almeida, Simone Nunes, Tatiana Marques, Rui Dionisio, Sofia Pires and Conceiçao Martins |

| Cognitive Style and a Field of Studies: Comparison of Art Students and Leisure Time Management Students in Estonia Aurika Komsaare |

| Rhetoric and the Platonic Paradox Daniel R. Fredrick |

| Examining Safety Behaviour with the Safety Climate and the Theory of Planned Behaviour Ceren Avci and Ali Yayli |

| Overseas Students as Researchers and Presenters of Japanese Culture: Challenges of Japanese Culture and Society Class in Global Era Sachie Banks |