| Deng Xiaoping: A Leadership Case Study William R. Gruver and Haokang T. Zhu |

| The Nigeria Perspective of Children’s Impact on Purchase Decision Making for Durable Goods Bright C. Opara and Gideon C. Uboegbulam |

| Refugee Crisis and Labour: Employing Proactive Measures to Curtail the Exploitation of Refugees in Labour Relations Habiba Musa and Mohammed Yaro Zakari |

| Non-Verbal Behaviors as Enhancers of Social Interaction: A Study of Communicative Interactions of the Igala Speaking People of Kogi State, Nigeria, at Chieftaincy Installation Ceremonies Sunday Ogala |

| Rituals of Advertisement: How Consumption Becomes a Ritual Like Mystic Experience Tarik Emre Yildirim and Bassant Eyada |

| Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in International Law Jamal Barafi |

| The Role of the United Nations Organization to Ensure the International Protection of Journalists in Non-International Armed Conflicts Zeyad M. S. Jaffal |

| Border Fencing in India: Between Colonial Legacy and Changing Security Challenges Said Saddiki |

| Rule of Law, Personal Safety and National Security in Nigeria Musa Idris and Hamza Abdullahi Yusuf |

| Corruption and Infrastructural Development in Nigeria Musa Idris and Shehu Jafaru Salisu |

| Ideological Bases and Principles of Financial Transactions from the Perspective of Islamic Doctrine Eisa Rabeeh Ahmad and Amani Khayri Milhem |

| Tuition Elasticity of Demand as a Tool to Manage Higher Education Institutions Bayan Yousef Farhan |

| Effect of Coordination Among The Stakeholders on the Management of Contributory Pension Scheme in Nigeria Hamza Abdullahi Yusuf, Shehu Jafaru Salisu and Musa Idris |

| Developing Students’ Communicative Competence in University English Language Programs Abdelghani Remache |

| Distance Learning Evolution of Yaşar University: Engaging Learners and Issues Serra Inci Celebi |

| English Spelling Errors of Arab Students at Tertiery Level: A Serious Concern Sabeena Salam |

| Cybercrimes: Concept, Forms and Their Civil Liabilities Yousef Nawafleh, Abdulla Nawafleh and Sahem Nawafleh |

| Absence and Presence of Dowry in Streedhanam in the Syrian Christian Culture of Kerala Sonu Sujit David and K. G. Bhuvana Maheshwari |

| Effect of Studio Culture on Architecture Pedagogy in Nigerian Universities Clement Oluwole Folorunso and Moromoke Oluwadunsin Ajulo |

| Whether to Weather the Weather Maria Frendo |

| Test Drives Within the Context of Experiential Marketing Serpil Kır |

| Cultural Interdependence and the Ethical Other: Hermeneutical Openness in Interreligious Dialogue and the Common Effort to Address Pressing Global Issues Pavlos E. Michaelides |

| The Influence of Classical Music on the Concentration and Performance Levels of Students with Mild Intellectual Disability Badrie Mohammad Nour ElDaou and Mira Hassaniyyeh |

| The Eu Through the Eyes of Romanian Teenagers: Friend, Foe Or V.U.P.E (Very Uninteresting Political Entity)? Oana Ludmila Popescu |

| Assessment of Urban Agriculture as a Livelihood Strategy for Household Food Security: An Appraisal of Urban Gardens in Langa, Cape Town Freda Rhona Philander and Abdulrazak Karriem |

| Analyzing and Comparing the Districts of Istanbul Using TOPSIS Tufan Demirel and Serhat Tüzün |

| The Concept of the Enterprise Strategy Aimed at Using Opportunities Piotr Kuraś, Małgorzata Kuraś and Marlena Grabowska |

| Realising Potential and Empowerment Through Universal Laws Roberto Rabbini |

| An Assessment of Auditor’s Ethical Behavior in Nigeria M. I. Kida, Yau Saidu and Musa Sheriff Urama |

| Social Work Student Engagement: A Comparison of BSW, MSW & NSSE Data Vaughn DeCoster and James G. Dickerson |

| Practice Makes Perfect: Using Authentic Assessment Techniques in Extra and Co-Curricular Course (ECCAs) Delivery to Reflect the Solicitor’s Regulation Authority’s (SRA) Change Towards Legal Vocational Stage Delivery Dan Berger and Charles Wild |

| Telling the Other Side of the Story: National Identity in the Arab Palestinian Novel Ibrahim A. El-Hussari |

| Policewomen, Churchwomen, and the Fight Against Indecency: Women’s Post-Suffrage Activism in Milwaukee, Wisconsin Monica S. Gallamore |

| Theory in Practice: Reconciling Conflicting Theoretical Approaches in Social Work Practice Susan Scott |

| Gender-Based Styles in Advertising Through the Decades Anne A. Christopher |

| Inventing the Self: Colonialist and Nationalist Encounters in Ashapoorna Debi’s Trilogy Sunanda Mukherjee |

| Credible Elections and Establishment and Maintenance of Democratic Order: the Nigerian Dimension Adekunle S. Ajisebiyawo and Florence U. Masajuwa |

| Evaluation of Right to Education (RTE) in the Light of Millennium Development Goals (MDG): A Psycho-Social Study Neeta Sinha |

| A Parametric Approach to Language Investigation: DP-Movement and Verb-Raising in Ogbah Language Henry O. Onyedibia |

| Igbo Personal Names as a Cultural Tool for Identity and Development in Nigeria Emmanuel Mmaduabuchukwu Osuala |

| Universities and Responsible Innovation Gabriella Molnár and Miklós Lukovics |

| Body Language and Erotic Message at Anaïs Nin and Nelly Arcan Mădălina Camelia Ingram |

| Is English Language Background an Indicator of Success in the English Tests Required for Nursing Registration in Australia? Tiffany Lynch |

| Justification for Expungement Legislation in South Africa: Expungement and Competing Constitutional Rights CM van der Bank |

| Reminiscences on Consumer Preferences Petra Platz |