| Performance Evaluation of DC Bus Control of Cascaded Two-Level Rectifier - Three-Level Inverter – Induction Motor T. Abdelkrim, K. Benamrane, B. Bezza, Aeh Benkhelifa and A. Borni |

| Effects of Resistant Starch and Fiber-Rich Apple and Apricot Powders on Low-Fat Cookie Quality Özen Özboy Özbaş, Ibrahim Tuğkan Şeker and Incilay Gökbulut |

| Assessment of Potential Values of Sesamum Indicum Seed N. E. Okoronkwo, E. Q. Osuji and C. C. Nwankwo |

| Applying of Trend Derivative Estimator to Financial Time Series Analysis Jaroslaw Jerzy Garus |

| TSA Screening Procedures: A Threat to Privacy Francisco Deno, Carol Diaz, Charles Lliguicota, Dareiny Norman and Ramón-Osvaldo González |

| Using Guided Response to Stimulate Student Engagement in the Online Asynchronous Discussion Board Claire DeCristofaro, Pamela Ford Murphy, Teri Herron and Eric Klein |

| Experimental Study and Optimization of the Influencing Factors in Photocatalytic Degradation of MB using Titanate Nanotubes Aghareed M. Tayeb and Dina S. Hussein |

| Plasma Formation Energy and Hydroxyl Production on Contact Glow Discharge Electrolysis Nelson Saksono, Intan Nugraha, Misri Gozan and Setijo Bismo |

| Errors in the Usage of the English Definite/Indefinite Articles Among Saudi University-Level Students Ayedh Dhawi Mohammed Al-Mohanna |

| Monitoring of Soils in Ecologically Vulnerable Mining Areas Around Shamlugh Town in Armenia K. A. Ghazaryan, S. S. Avetisyan and N. A. Gevorgyan |

| An Attempt to Develop Bilingualism in Sri Lanka through Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Marie Perera and S.A. Kularatne |

| Attitudes and Motivations in Learning English as a Foreign Langauge Mouili Fatiha, Bouhamidi Sliman, Bakader Mustapha and Maameri Yahia |

| Challenges in Managing Elderly Care Centres in Malaysia Sharifah Meriam Syed Akil, Salhah Abdullah and Sapora Sipon |

| Developing Students’ Ability in Listening and Speaking English using the Communicative Approach of Teaching Dissaya Supharatypthin |

| Filled Gaps: A Psycholinguistic Factor Affecting the Fluency of Speech Ayşe Altıparmak and Gülmira Kuruoğlu |

| Service Quality, Satifaction, and Customer Loyalty in a Full-Service Domestic Airline in Thailand Piyakanit Chotivanich |

| English Pronunciations Deviations among Gulf Arabs Faeqa Alsadeqi |

| A Simultaneous Equations Model of Free Trade and Economic Growth of Egypt Seham H. Negem |

| Experimental Design for Estimating Parameter-Values of Modelling Crude Oil Adsorption on Thermo-Chemically Modified Lignocellulosic Biomass Fragiskos A. Batzias, Dimitrios K. Sidiras, Christina G. Siontorou, Athanasia N. Bountri, Dorothea V. Politi, Odysseas N. Kopsidas, Ilias G. Konstantinou, George N. Katsamas, Ioanna S. Salapa and Stavroula P. Zervopoulou |

| Thailand’s Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) Electronic Customer Relationship Management (E-CRM) System and How it Affects Customer Satisfaction Karn Choknumkij and Wanno Fongsuwan |

| Customer Repurchase Intention, Trust and Customer Satisfaction Influecing Outsourced Employees at Kasikornbank Bank Public Company Limited (Thailand) Sutticha Chamchuntra and Wanno Fongsuwan |

| Institutional Economics in the Research of Local and Regional Development Processes – A Theoretical and Practical Context Mariusz E. Sokołowicz |

| Heat Transfer in Turbulent Flow Through Tube with Conical-Ring Inserts M. A. Rashid Sarkar, Saddam Hossain Khan and Sajib Saha |

| Simulating the Behavior of Seawater Contaminated with Oil Spill and Chemical Dispersant when Approaching a Windy Shore Fragiskos A. Batzias and Stavroula P. Zervopoulou |

| An Online Investigation of the HIV/AIDS Transmission Prevention Strategies of Sexually Active Young Adults Living in the Ongoing Era of HIV/AIDS Elys Vasquez-Iscan |

| Comparing Differences between the Learning Outcomes of Adult Students, Traditional Students and Online Students: A Quantitative Study Gary F. Keller |

| Student Voice: Its Impact on School Reform Efforts and the Reasons behind the Success Saudis Accomplished in Learning English Language in Canada Comparing to their Unsuccessful Experiences in Saudi Arabia Dalia Jamal Alghamdi |

| Microcontroller-based Integrated Spent Coffee Processing System for Oil Extraction Nuestro Rhodora Vergara |

| Teaching, Learning, and Professional Development in the English Companion Ning (ECN): An Online Community for English Teachers Asma Khan |

| Financial Liberalization in India: The Return of an Old Familiar Ghost- Washington Consensus Deepanshu Mohan |

| Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: An Ethical Leadership Agenda for Educational Reform in Mauritius Jean Claude Ah-Teck and David Hung |

| Knowing the Person in a Virtual Environment: Protocol for a Grounded Theory Study of Telehealth in Nursing Practice Daniel A. Nagel |

| Cultural and Scientific Inclusion through Dance and Science: Lessons from a Project in Brazil J. R. A. Silveira, C.O. Maia and Denise Lannes |

| Environmental Impacts by Golf Courses and Strategies to Minimize Them: State of the Art Carlos Andrés Peña Guzmán and Duvan Javier Mesa Fernández |

| College is where the Real Learning Happens: Perceptions from Irish Craft Apprentices using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Eric Bates |

| Quality Assurance in Vocational and Technical Education: A Panacea to Youth Unemployment in Nigeria Augustine Edeoga Ejili |

| The Effectiveness of using Pedagogical Tasks to Improve Speaking Skill Abdullah M. A. Alhomaidan |

| Texting Abbreviations and Language Learning Ahmed Al Shlowiy |

| L2 Writing Anxiety of the Students of the Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific Caroline W. Dacwag |

| The use of Vignettes to Measure the Dynamics of Wasta Lewis R. Tucker and Rosalind Buckton-Tucker |

| The Management of Trade for International Security: An Analysis of Some Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership David A. Jones |

| Towards the Design of an Optimal Network Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm Ndabezinhle Soganile, Mathebula R. Ishmael, Benson Moyo, Gilbert Dzawo and Madzima Kudakwashe |

| Television Coach Potatoes Versus Bookworms in Foundation Phase C.G.A. Smith |

| The Art of Capturing a Yawn using the Science of Nerve Impulses and Cortisol Levels in a Randomized Controlled Trial. Thompson Cortisol Hypothesis as a Potential Predictor of Neurological Impairment Simon B. N. Thompson, Charlotte Frankham and Philip Bishop |

| Students’ Entrepreneurial Strategy: Connecting Minds? Ratna Lindawati Lubis |

| Effects of Soap and Brewery Effluents on the Bacterial Population in an Aquatic Ecosystem Ijeoma Iheukwumere and Ome Kalu Achi |

| Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B Surface Antigens (HBsAg) Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal in UNTH, Ituku Ozalla, Nigeria Nkechi Chuks Nwachukwu, Ijeoma Iheukwumere and Vivian Onyinye Onyekwere |

| Two’s Company, Three’s a Crowd? The Student Teacher, The Mentor and the University Tutor Doreen Spiteri |

| Conjunctive Synthesis as an Interdisciplinary Pedagogical Method for Art and Design - A Cube Liana Psarologaki |

| Impact of Prior Discussion on the Participation of Students in a High School Physics Laboratory Louis Trudel and Abdeljalil Métioui |