| The Future of Foreign Language Studies in Nigeria Godwin Oko Ogar |

| Constructing a Scale for Measuring the Qualitative Kinetic Analysis Skills of Physical Education Teachers Mohamed Kamaleldin ElBaroody |

| Children’s Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence through Free Plays in Thailand Varinthorn Boonying |

| Current Question on Logopaedic Interventions in Education of Children and Pupils with Communication Ability Disorder Eva Zezulková and Martin Kaleja |

| Comparative Study of Life Skills Among Adolescents in Government and Non-Government Schools Mandeep Dosanjh |

| Teachers’ Critical Dilemmas: Moral and Ethical Decision-Making in Teaching Practice Esma Biricik Deniz, Ilkay Celik Yazici and Basak Tan Irtes |

| Powerful Variables in Higher Education: The Ticket to Success Lynne M. Celli and Nicholas D. Young |

| Intercultural Communicative Competence: EFL Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices Derya Tuzcu Eken |

| Computer Skills, Internet Attitude and Social Media Use as Determinants of Information Literacy Among Secondary School Students in South-West, Nigeria Johnson Ayodeji Akerele and Rotimi Adesina Egunjobi |

| Adult Deviance and Youth Delinquency: Bane of Effective Family Cohesion and Communication Development Adeleke Adebayo Ibrahim and Olusegun Ashade |

| Utilisation of Resources as Correlate of Undergraduates’ Academic Achievement in Cataloguing and Classification in Library Schools in Southern Nigeria Samuel Oke Ogunniyi and Kenneth Ivo Ngozi Nwalo |

| Selection and Teaching Text Genres in the Process of Teaching English as a Second Language Ekaterine Mzhavanadze |

| University of Applied Sciences Master’s Degree Students as Developers of Work Based Research, Development and Innovation Activities Leinonen Rauni and Moisanen Kirsi |

| Adoption of Strategic Planning Formulation Process in Developing Strategic Plan for Secondary Schools Improvement Fides Okwukweka Chukwumah |

| Investigating Prospective Science Teachers’ Academic Self-Efficacy Beliefs Fatih Matyar and Pinar Fettahlioglu |

| Social Media Usage by Thai EFL Teachers at Secondary Education Level Nutprapha K. Dennis and Pitima Boonprasit |

| Socio-Economic Factors Affecting Academic Staff’s Perception of Agriculture Field Practical Training in Universities in EDO State, Nigeria D. U. Okoedo-Okojie |

| A Structural Equation Model of Logistics and Supply Chain Management Performance Effectiveness in Thai Automotive Industry: A Conceptual Perspective Suwaj Dansomboon, T. Phimonsathienand and Wanno Fongsuwan |

| An Investigation Into Range of Reasons Influencing Selection Decision Making of Kingdom of Saudi Arabian Parents’ Choice of School Related to Quality of Instruction, Class Size and Student/Teacher Relationships Faisal Alsauidi |

| Library Education Programme and Users’ Accessibility to Information Resources in Federal Polytechnic Library, EDE, Nigeria Aboyade Wahab Akanmu, Ajala Bolanle Adewumi and Aboyade Modupeola Aduke |

| Political Education and the Challenges of Globalization Odido Okwajie Ogar |

| Language Learning Strategies in English Langauge Classroom Mouili Fatiha, Ben Ahmed Nacera, Ben Slimane Fatima and Agha Abla |

| Influence of Literature in English on Senior Secondary School Students’ Achievement in English Language Grace U. Eze |

| Predictors of Dating Violence Among Students of Osun State College of Education, Ilesa Olalemi Comfort Aderonke |

| On Teaching Spoken English Through Authentic Films Tamara Matevosyan |

| Positioning Research and New Knowledge Systems Margaret Kumar |

| Quality Assurance: A Necessity for Vocational and Technical Education Programme in Colleges of Education in Nigeria Olowe Modupe Oluwatoyin |

| Shyness as a Behavioural Problem and Its’ Effects on Adolescents’ Social Behaviour and Academic Achievements: Implication for Effective Guidance and Counselling Innocent A. Iyoha and Amaka Obineli |

| Whistling Past the Graveyard: The Sanguine Worldview of Death in the Cinema of Tim Burton John R. Hamilton |

| Theatre Education and Students with Disability Darko Lukic |

| Individualised Learning Staretegy and Academic Performance of JSS II Students in Social Studies in Uyo Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria Archibong Bassey Bassey and Jomo Oguegbune-Okwuenu |

| Difficulties with English Spelling: The case of Arab ESL learners Mohammed Ghanim Alzughaibi |

| Discourse: A Modern Strategy for Effective Teaching/Learning in Lagos State, Nigeria Rosita O. Igwe, Ngozi E. Uzoka and Casimir I. Ekwerike |

| English Proficiency of the College of Education Students in the University of Eastern Philippines, University Town, Catarman, Northern Samar Leah A. De Asis, Veronica A. Piczon and Marliza Rubenecia |

| Development and Validation of Giftedness Assessment Instrument (GAI) for the Identification of Giftedness in Primary School Children in Lagos State, Nigeria Anya Chidimma Adamma and M. L. Mayanchi |

| An Appraisal of the Middle Basic Education Curriculum in French and English as a Tool for Sustainable Development in Nigeria Carol Chinyere Opara and Patience Chidinma Ezeana |

| The Effectiveness of Concept Mapping Application in Teaching the Nursing Student of an International University in Thailand Pinthusorn Pattayakorn and Kattiya Podimuang |

| Design and Education: Learning Within Groups? Kika Ioannou Kazamia and Marianna Kafaridou |

| The Role of Logistics in Disaster Management and Disaster Logistics Issues Ahmet Murat Koseoglu and Hatice Yildirimli |

| A Study of Sentence Translation from English to Tamil among Non-Native Medical Students in University Malaysia Sabah: Problems, Factors and Influences Arulselvan Raju |

| Reading Proficiency Needs Assessment: A Basis for Electronic Reading Intervention Proposal Emelita Santiago-Custodio |

| Professional Education in Algeria: Empowering Adult Women to Pursue a Career Behdja Boumarafi |

| Achieving Quality Assurance in Business Education in Nigerian Colleges of Education Samuel N. Odo |

| Distributive Leadership Among Leaders in Effective Schools Yaakob Daud, Zuraidah Juliana M. Yusoff, Rozalina Khalid, Yahya Don, M. S. Omar-Fauzee, Arumugam Raman and Fauzi Hussin |

| Innovative Approaches in Creating Musical Activities in Kindergarten and in the Context of Structuring the Competencies of Future Preschool Teachers in The Republic of Serbia Jasmina Stolic, Eudjen Cinc and Radmila Palinkasevic |

| The Relationship Between Government Policy and the Educational Building Architecture Burçin Yilmaz and Hakan Sağlam |

| “Mirror, Mirror, Here I Stand. Who is the Most Reflective in the Land?”Developing and Applying Reflective Teaching in the Second Language Classroom Neziha Ayca Palancilar |

| Analogous Material as Foundation for Project Based Learning in Furniture Design Nurul Ain Haron, Natrina Toyong, Hafez Zainuddin and Saiful Hazmi Bachek |